
This page lists all updates released for CMS Builder. You can download the latest release here.

*** September 30, 2024 - Version 3.73 (Admin: Login As User)

SERVER REQUIREMENTS: PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 5.7+ (or MariaDB 10.2+)

- Added "Login As User" under Accounts > Advanced Commands for admin troubleshooting and support
- Added "Login As User (Website)" for frontend website access (when using Website Membership plugin)
- Developer Log: Added "Latest Error" view for quickly reloading the most recent error when debugging

- All Menus: "Advanced Commands..." dropdown is now hidden if it has no options
- Database Editor: "Add Field" buttons are now hidden for link and menu group menu types that don't support fields
- Admin > Security > Audit Log: Usernames are now displayed on list page for all login attempts
- Admin > Security > Audit Log: Added detail column to list page with error details and links to affected records
- Programmers: mysql_where() - Added support for NULL value comparisons in criteria array
- Programmers: isValidEmail() - Allow leading and trailing spaces in email addresses
- Programmers: getRecords() - Added useIndex option to specify MySQL index hints
- Programmers: getRecords() - Added selectExpr option for overriding SELECT expressions
- Programmers: DB::isConnected() now supports optional parameter to verify active connection via mysqli ping

- Upload Lists: Fixed issue that prevents drag sorting on touch devices such as iPads
- loadINI: Fixed issue where loadINI() would return an error when loading legacy .ini format schema files
- Category Menus: Fixed issue where older category menus didn't allow NULL values and returned error
- Database Editor: Fixed "Undefined array key" warning when saving a menu group section
- Updated DBException() to verify connection before loading admin status for error details
- Fixed issue that prevented plugin list from loading when Cloudflare Rocket Loader was being used
- Misc code and other minor improvements

*** September 16, 2024 - Version 3.72 (Multi Field Sorting, Admin Shortcuts, and Developer Console Updates)

SERVER REQUIREMENTS: PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 5.7+ (or MariaDB 10.2+)

- Database > Field Editor: Multi-field drag sorting is now supported for quickly re-ordering multiple fields
- Admin Shortcut Icons: Icons now display beside page headings on hover for admins (can be disabled in settings)
- Security: Passwords are now encrypted using Bcrypt for improved security (existing passwords are updated on login)
- Developer Console: Code window now auto-expands when typing many lines of code
- Developer Console: Clicking on admin shortcuts for a table now displays the first 20 table records on click
- Developer Console: Spacing chars (\r, \n, \t, null, unicode spaces) now displayed as symbols for easier debugging
- SmartString: Added new SmartString class for advanced string manipulation and formatting
- Major Code Updates: We've rewritten large amounts of the codebase to be more modern and efficient

- Database Editor: Menu names and mysql tables now link on hover to menu editors and developer console
- Security Checks: External referers/links warnings now allow users to click to continue if they trust the link
- Menu Icons: Added or updated default menu icons for Accounts and Media menus
- Composer files are now bundled as composer.json.default and composer.lock.default to prevent unintended overwrites
- SSL Certificates: Updated cacert.pem to be loaded via composer/ca-bundle, so it can be automatically updated
- Settings: settings file is now automatically created on install and not included in distribution zip
- ZenDB: Renamed some properties and methods for clarity and consistency, see $obj->help() for info (old names still work)
- ZenDB: Added Field methods: value, int, string, bool, dateFormat, numberFormat, stripTags, trim, nl2br, noEncode
- ZenDB: Added new ResultSet/Row methods: exists, isEmpty

ZenDB Backwards Incompatible Changes
- Note: These changes only impact early adopters who have written custom code using ZenDB, contact us if needed for support making updates
- Queries: Exceptions are now thrown for all MySQL errors, e.g., Error: MySQL Error(1064) ... in [file] on [line]
- Queries: orThrow method is now ignored, use try/catch blocks to catch exceptions
- ResultSet: The ->toArray() function now returns original values instead of HTML-encoded values
- Row class: Warnings are now output when you access undefined columns, e.g., Warning: Undefined column $row->name2 in [file] on [line]
- Field class: Encoding methods (htmlEncode, urlEncode, jsEncode) now return strings directly and must be last in method chains

- Database > Field Editor: "Insert Field Here" now adds fields in the correct position
- Field Editor > List: "List options from database" now remembers the previously selected label field
- Developer Console: Fixed issues where selected MySQL column from pulldown wasn't adding it to the query
- Email Templates: Fixed issue where email templates would redirect back to edit page after saving
- Misc code and other minor improvements

*** June 14, 2024 - Version 3.71 (Help Tooltips & Upload Features)

SERVER REQUIREMENTS: PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 5.7+ (or MariaDB 10.2+)

- Help Tooltips: You can now add (?) help icon tooltips to field labels in the Field Editor
- Upload Metadata: Added support for text boxes and required fields for upload info fields

- Backup: Added code to skip non-readable files and dirs
- Cookies: Regenerate cookie names to force the use of new cookie settings (will require re-login)
- Cookies: Limited max cookie age to one year for better compatibility with modern browsers and RFC 6265bis
- Cookies: Fixed issue that could cause multiple login cookies to be sent
- Checkbox CSS: Reverted checkbox styling to previous settings as per user feedback
- Backup: Backup size estimation now stops after 6 seconds for servers with many files
- ZenDB: Added $results->map() and $collection->implode() to simplify common HTML generation tasks
- Misc code and other minor improvements

*** June 3, 2024 - Version 3.70 (Mail Updates)

SERVER REQUIREMENTS: PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 5.7+ (or MariaDB 10.2+)

- Email Settings: Added "Test" button to send a test email and show mail server debug info
- Email Settings: Added links for testing email deliverability: SPF, DKIM, DMARC and blacklists
- Email Settings: Added support for sending mail via Google with OAuth2
- New CMS API: Initially being used for OAuth2 mail support, will be expanded in future versions
- Developer Console: We now use inline Ace code editor for PHP and SQL content
- Database Editor > Menu Icons: Bootstrap Icons are now supported:

- Sessions: Resolved issue that caused sessions to sometimes expire prematurely with CSRF errors
- SQL Numeric Columns: Saving blank values now saves NULL instead of 0 if numeric columns allow null
- Website Backup: Improved support for downloading very large backups without memory issues
- Website Backup: dot folders (.git, .cache, etc.) are now excluded from backups
- Website Backup: "Code Only" backups now exclude /vendor/ folder
- Settings File: Moved mail related settings under 'mail' key in settings.ini.php
- Sessions: Fixed issue where changing timezone could cause sessions to expire prematurely
- Sessions: Unique session cookies names are now generated for each CMS installation
- Database Editor > List Fields (options from database): Recommended value/label columns are preselected
- Database Editor > List Fields (options from MySQL): Added :_ placeholder for inserting table prefix
- Database Editor: Primary key 'num' can now be named 'id' for better compatibility with other systems
- Database Editor > Related Records: Default options now just work if you name your foreign keys 'tableName_primaryKey'
- Examples: article_num or news_id
- Related Records > Create button: Now passes tableName_primaryKey for populating new records, e.g.: news_id = 123
- Programmers: Added case-insensitive utility functions: stri_starts_with, stri_ends_with, stri_contains
- Programmers: Added new plugin action: cron_postDispatch
- Security: New setting in /data/settings file: security.cookieSameSite to set SameSite cookie attribute (default: Lax)
- Improved path detection for web root and PHP binary
- Misc code and other minor improvements

*** April 29, 2024 - Version 3.69 (Website Backup)

SERVER REQUIREMENTS: PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 5.7+ (or MariaDB 10.2+)

- Website Backup: New feature to backup your entire website, including files and database (under: Admin > Backup)

- Database Backups: Added READ LOCK to prevent changes during backup on supporting servers
- Fixed error caused when recreating sections without a primary key column
- Fixed error caused when trying to set timezone further ahead then session expiry timeout
- Added improved error reporting and instructions when Composer dependencies are not installed
- Misc code and other minor improvements

*** April 18, 2024 - Version 3.68 (Maintenance Release)

SERVER REQUIREMENTS: PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 5.7+ (or MariaDB 10.2+)

- DragSortOrder: Fixed issue where drag sorting wasn't getting set correctly or was getting reset on modify
- Admin > Server Info > Disk Space Used: Graph no longer shows in red if >1GB is free, even if disk is 90% full
- Install: Fixed error when database hostname couldn't be resolved
- Fixed error caused when url requests names are numeric, e.g. ?123 or ?456=value
- getRecords: Fixed issue where record count code could sometimes return an error when no records are found
- Settings file: Removed undocumented "mysql:hostname" key options, use settings.hostname.php instead
- Server config files: php.ini, .user.ini, .htaccess
- Increased upload limits to 200M, enable errors for parse errors, disabled gzip compression for CMS pages
- Misc code and other minor improvements

*** April 12, 2024 - Version 3.67 (MySQL Sessions)

SERVER REQUIREMENTS: PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 5.7+ (or MariaDB 10.2+)

- Field Editor: Added "Use Code Editor" option for textboxes to edit content with code formatting and highlighting
- Database Editor: Separator fields now use inline Ace HTML/PHP editor for HTML content
- Database Editor: Upload fields have a new option to add new uploads at the top or bottom of the list
- Live SQL Monitor: Added keyword searches and filter buttons for easier query monitoring
- Database > Quick Add Fields: Added "Field Position" option to insert fields at top or bottom of table
- Admin > General Settings: Reorganized and improved the layout of settings for better usability
- CMS Internals: PHP Sessions are now stored in MySQL instead of the filesystem for improved security and performance

- Admin > General Settings > Advanced: "session.cookie_domain" converted to pulldown with valid options
- Uploads: Display helpful message when uploads exceed PHP 'post_max_size' limit (in php.ini)
- Uploads: Improved SVG detection to prevent false positives on non-SVG files
- Checkbox: Fixed SQL error for new checkboxes with both "Unchecked" and "Update all records with this value" selected
- Database Editor: Fixed issue where "Add Field Here" added field in the wrong position
- Install: Build number in settings file now updates on each install
- Viewers: Fixed MySQL Error "Column in order clause is ambiguous" when using getRecords and left joins
- Settings: Added "set_innodb_strict_mode" settings.ini.php to set/unset/ignore innodb_strict_mode setting as needed
- Developer Log: Added message when "display_errors" is disabled to help developers find error logs and debug issues
- Removed: Admin > General Settings > Advanced: "Use Datepicker" setting removed (now enabled by default)
- Removed: Admin > General Settings > Advanced: "session.save_path" setting removed as it's no longer needed with MySQL sessions
- Removed: Admin > General Settings > Advanced: "Disable HTML5 Uploader" setting removed (not required and rarely used)
- Removed: Viewers > Turbo Cache: Removed old "Turbo Cache" option that is seldom used and not optimized for modern servers
- Misc code and other minor improvements

*** March 21, 2024 - Version 3.66 (Admin Shortcuts & Developer Console)

SERVER REQUIREMENTS: PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 5.7+ (or MariaDB 10.2+)

- Admin Shortcut Icons: Shortcut menu icons allow quick access to table editor for admins (can be disabled in settings)
- Developer Console: Now included by default, allows developers to run MySQL queries, shell commands and PHP code

- Section Editors > Menu Icon: Latest Font Awesome icons can now be used (preview widget and search link updated)
- Database Editor: Code Generator & Editor buttons can be middle-clicked to open in new tab (buttons are now links)
- Admin > General: Re-organized settings for easier access

- Error logging: Caught exceptions are now displayed with the correct file and line number
- Field Editor: Fixed issue where insert field icon wasn't showing when using Font Awesome Pro
- Uploads Sorting: Fixed issue where drag sort icon wasn't displaying
- Database Editor > "Input Type Hidden" fields: Fixed issue where updated field issue wasn't saving
- List Fields: Fixed issue where multi-value lists with no selections saved "\t\t" instead of an empty field
- Database Editor: num fields can now be saved in field editor (previously output an error)
- Database Editor: Fixed double encoding of displayed MySQL column types in field editor
- Increase default size of image preview thumbnails and added custom css options in custom.css.readme
- Wysiwyg now outputs
instead of
, added element_format: 'html', in /lib/wysiwyg.php
- Email Templates and Media Library schemas now maintain modified label text when upgrading
- Added support for servers without mysqlnd (MySQL Native Driver) installed
- Misc code and other minor improvements

*** February 9, 2024 - Version 3.65 (New Advanced Field Types)

SERVER REQUIREMENTS: PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 5.7+ (or MariaDB 10.2+)

- Note: If you added /lib/wysiwyg_custom.php, you'll need to re-create it from wysiwyg.php and re-apply your customizations

- New Field Type: "Generated Columns" let you create virtual columns that are calculated from other fields in the same row
- New Field Type: "Foreign Keys" for relational links between records, ensuring data integrity and preventing orphan records
- Live SQL Monitor: Monitor SQL queries in realtime, found under: Admin > General > Server Info > Database Server
- Cloud Mode: Reduced CMS codebase by 10 megs and over 200 files by switching to CDNs for common library delivery
- Offline Mode: Added support for new plugin with all CDN files bundled for offline use
- Setup > Database Editor > Table Editor: Added "MySQL Source" tab for referencing MySQL table definitions

- Session Names: Cookie name is now set under: Admin > General > Advanced
- ZenDB: Added $results->row($pos) to get a row based on its position, e.g. $firstRow = $results->row(0)
- ZenDB: Added $results->col($nameOrPos) to get a list of column values by name or position
- ZenDB: Added $row->col($nameOrPos) to get single row column value by name or position
- ZenDB: Added $row->isFirst, $row->isLast
- ZenDB: Added $field->toString() to force a string representation of a field value
- ZenDB: Added DBException class for displaying standardized error messages
- ZenDB: Added DB::query()->orThrow($message) chainable method to throw exceptions with a custom error message
- ZenDB: Added DB::config('useSmartJoins') option for disabling smart join functionality
- Upgraded PHP Mailer from v6.8.1 to v6.9.1

- Removed experimental ViewerAPI code (not updated or available through CMS interface since 2017)
- Removed demo mode: It took significant resources to maintain and was not widely used (previous versions can still be used for demo sites)
- Removed bundled libraries: Now loaded via CDNs and available in Offline Mode plugin
- Removed feature that disabled autocomplete for browsers that ignore HTML5 autocomplete standard (as it no longer works)

- Database Tables: Convert all tables to ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC if not already, to avoid "Row size too large" errors with InnoDB
- Misc code and other minor improvements

*** December 8, 2023 - Version 3.64 (MySQL 5.7 Required)

SERVER REQUIREMENTS: PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 5.7+ (or MariaDB 10.2+)

- This version now requires: MySQL 5.7.32+ or MariaDB 10.2+ (increased from MySQL 5.5+)
- Please check with your hosting provider to ensure you have these installed BEFORE upgrading

- Admin Menu > Security: Added option to ignore PHP development warnings (E_STRICT, E_DEPRECATED)
- Admin Menu > Server Info: Display PHP Caching Modules to help debug caching issues
- Admin Menu > Server Info: Display CMS Folder and chroot status (to help debug filesystem issues)
- Section Editors: Renamed "Section Editors" to "Database Editor" in CMS Setup menu
- Database: Newly created fields have default values in MySQL now so values don't have to be specified on INSERT
- Database: New createdDate and updatedDate fields now default to current datetime (not 0000-00-00 00:00:00)
- Database: "MySQL Type" is now displayed in its own column under: Admin > Database

ZenDB Improvements
- ZenDB: Added DB::identifier() for `quoting` and escaping MySQL identifiers such as table and column names
- ZenDB: Added $row->toArray() to get an array structure of HTML-encoded values
- ZenDB: Added $resultSet->toArray() to get an array structure of HTML-encoded values
- ZenDB: Added $resultSet->getColumn() to get values from a single column
- ZenDB: Added $resultSet->indexBy() for a column to record map, e.g. $emailToRecord = $resultSet->indexBy('email')
- ZenDB: Added $resultSet->groupBy() for a nested column to record map, e.g. $cityToUsers = $resultSet->groupBy('city')
- ZenDB: Brackets and "get" prefix are now optional for chainable methods, e.g. ->getValues() can be called as ->values

BUG FIXES & Minor Changes
- PHP 8.2 compatibility fixes
- Install: Fixed issue where restoring from backup on installation required new admin account info to be entered
- MySQL 8.0: Fixed error when SET innodb_strict_mode was called without SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN access
- Error Logging: Improved how error logging catches and logs fatal errors that halt script execution
- View Menus & Tab Groups: Fixed issue where first tab in a tab group wouldn't display currently
- View Menus & Tab Groups: Fixed issue where upload lists wouldn't automatically resize on tab switch
- View Menus: Fixed issue where non-displaying fields with internal category menu fields were incorrectly showing
- View Menus > Advanced Commands: Resolved double HTML-encoding issue that caused actions to not function correctly
- Admin > General: Fixed open_basedir warning for fileinode()
- Misc code and other minor improvements


*** November 7, 2023 - Version 3.63 (ZenDB Database Library)


- ZenDB Database Library - Added new next-generation database library for improved performance and security

- Email Templates: Email templates can now include attachments
- Developer Log: Replaced "Backtrace" with sequential "Call Stack" to make debugging faster and easier
- Hide PHP Errors: Now only applies to web requests and displays full errors for cronjobs and logged-in admins
- showme() no longer outputs HTML tags when Content-type is "text/plain" (for debugging)
- Security: Automatically remove X-Powered-By: PHP/x.x header to prevent information disclosure
- Programmers: Added new plugin filter 'headers' for adding or modifying headers sent to the browser
- Misc code and other minor improvements


*** October 12, 2023 - Version 3.62 (Improved Section Editor Sorting and New Mailer)


- Section Editors: Multi-record drag sorting is now supported for quickly re-ordering tables
- Sending Mail: Switched to PHP Mailer v6.8.1 (instead of Swift Mailer)

- Debugging Info: Added additional .htaccess check for mod_security to help identify server restrictions
- Code Cleanup: Removed Suhosin detection and workarounds, as they're no longer widely used
- Code Generator: Resolved error: Undefined array key "function"
- Misc code and other minor improvements


*** September 2, 2023 - Version 3.61 (Maintenance Release)


- CMS Record List: Record lists now show in stacked format for small screens (<768px) - see /3rdParty/clipone/css/main-small.css
- Developer Log: Filepath report now summarizes errors by line number and provides a "clear" link
- Server Info: "Admin > General > Server" now displays server uptime as days since "Last Rebooted"
- CMS Setup > Section Editors: Table row count and disk size now displayed as columns
- CMS Record List: You can now shift-click to select a range of checkboxes
- Permalinks Plugin: searchMultipleTables() now returns a permalink field if it's set (requires Permalinks v1.11)
- Programmers: New function: isMac() to detect macOS servers
- Programmers: New functions: errorlog_lastError() & error_get_last_message() for getting last error message
- Programmers: Added data-label="column title" to each <td> in CMS record lists
- Added no-cache headers to CMS pages to prevent caching
- Menus: Renamed "Background Tasks" to "Scheduled Tasks"

- Maintenance: Removed legacy MySQL library support (mysqli used since PHP 7)
- Maintenance: Replaced $php_errormsg references (not supported in PHP 8)
- Admin > General: Fixed open_basedir warnings on some servers
- CMS Record Lists: Fixed drag sorting for iPads
- Cron: Updated old references to `function` column to `functionName` (previous is now MySQL reserved keyword)
- Misc code and other minor improvements


*** July 12, 2023 - Version 3.60 (Enhanced Server Management & Error Tracking)


- Server Info: "Admin > General > Server" now show some additional details about the current server
- Server Changes: "Admin > General > Server" now shows change history for server components (PHP, etc.)
- Developer Log: New "Filepath Report" groups errors by filepath for easier debugging
- Developer Log: Improved detection of source filepath and line num of errors
- Developers: Added shellCommand() function to try various PHP shell execution methods and/or fail gracefully

- Error reporting: Fixed issue where @ silenced variables will still return errors
- Default Data Files: Updated defaults to: ENGINE=InnoDB CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
- mysql_escape now properly escapes backslashes ("\") so they match in searches
- Misc code and other minor improvements


*** June 2, 2023 - Version 3.59 (PHP 8 now required)


- Server Info: "Admin > General > Server" has been updated to display more info about server
- Server Info: "Admin > General > Server" now provides links for viewing MySQL status and variables
- Backups: CMS Backups are now created as temp files and renamed on completion to prevent partial backups on error
- Translations: Added some additional text to the translation system
- Viewers: date searches now work with special createdDate and updatedDate fields
- Languages: Made some additional text translatable

- MySQL 8 Support: Renamed _cron_log table column "function" to "functionName" (reversed name)
- Database: Fixed bug where MariaDB 'null' defaults in backups couldn't be restored in MySQL
- Swift Mailer: Fixed some additional PHP 8.x warnings and errors
- Fixed minor bug in SVG detection causing false positives in non-SVG images
- Developer Log: Removed Symbol Table as PHP 8 set_error_handler() function no longer supports it
- Libraries: Updated HTML Purifier from 4.14 to 4.15
- Remove /3rdParty/PHP_Compat/ PHP compatibility libraries that aren't required with PHP 8
- Prevented "Erase" button from appearing on Single Record Sections where it's not functional
- Updated CA Root Certificates in /3rdParty/cacert.pem - used by curl_ functions
- Additional PHP 8.x support fixes
- Misc code and other minor improvements


*** March 17, 2023 - Version 3.58 (Maintenance Release)


- Security: Added .htaccess code to prevent it from being loaded in a frame (to prevent clickjacking)
- Developer Log: Optimized memory usage to prevent memory limit errors when listing many error records
- Performance: Optimized getRecords() to load results faster in many cases (by replacing SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS)
- Programmers: getEvalOutput() now returns errors instead of halting execution. See function header for details

- Fixed PHP 8 transparent image error that returned imagecolorsforindex(): Argument #2 ($color) is out of range
- Added workaround for Maria 10.5.16 where COLUMN_DEFAULT of NULL is instead of an empty string for text columns
- Separator fields: Fixed PHP 8.2 error: Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SeparatorField::$order is deprecated
- Additional PHP 8.x support fixes
- Misc code and other minor improvements


*** September 26, 2022 - Version 3.57 (Maintenance Release)


- Restoring databases on install now uses incremental restore to support large backups

- Additional PHP 8.1 support fixes
- Patched issue where emails would sometimes be received as raw HTML with PHP 8
- Fixed issue where cms admin searches for zero would return be ignored
- Misc code, security and other minor improvements


*** March 22, 2022 - Version 3.56 (PHP 8.1 Support)

- NOTE: Some plugins may need to be updated when upgrading from v2.xx

- PHP 8.1 Support: Updates to support PHP 8.1
- License updates: Removed license key requirements for white-label branding
- WebP Support: Added default plugin for converting media files to webp

- License: Updated license agreement to remove references to registration and licence keys
- Updated jQuery to 3.6.0

- Misc media library bug fixes
- Misc code and other minor improvements


*** Note: Only release dates and server requirements are listed for older versions

- Nov 10, 2021 - v3.55 (PHP 8 Support) - Requires: PHP 7.3+ and MySQL 5.5+
- Oct 29, 2020 - v3.54 (Media Library Beta) - Requires: PHP 7.2+ and MySQL 5.5+
- Aug 12, 2019 - v3.53 (Maintenance Release)
- Jul 26, 2019 - v3.52 - Requires: PHP 7.1+ and MySQL 5.5+
- Apr 11, 2019 - v3.51 (PHP 7 Upgrade) - Requires: PHP 7.0+ and MySQL 5.5+
- Dec 18, 2018 - v3.50 (Free Version)
- Sep 17, 2018 - v3.15 (Maintenance Release)
- Aug 22, 2018 - v3.14 (HTML5 Multi-File Uploader)
- Feb 20, 2018 - v3.13 (Maintenance Release)
- Dec 5, 2017 - v3.12 (New multi-select pillbox field)
- Nov 6, 2017 - v3.11 (User Requests)
- Jun 16, 2017 - v3.10 (Maintenance Release)
- May 8, 2017 - v3.09 (PHP 7 Support)
- Feb 24, 2017 - v3.08 (New Server Requirements) - Requires: PHP 5.6+ and MySQL 5.5+
- Dec 7, 2016 - v3.07 (Upgraded WYSIWYG Editor)
- Aug 25, 2016 - v3.06 (CMS Menu Icons and Thumbnail Cropping)
- May 26, 2016 - v3.05 (Free "Powered By" Version)
- Apr 26, 2016 - v3.04 (Maintenance Release)
- Apr 20, 2016 - v3.03 (Collapsible Separators & PHP 5.5) - Requires: PHP 5.5+ and MySQL 5.0+
- Feb 3, 2016 - v3.02 (Maintenance Release) - Requires: PHP 5.4+ and MySQL 5.0+
- Jan 20, 2016 - v3.01 (Maintenance Release)
- Jan 8, 2016 - v3.00 (Responsive UI) - Requires: PHP 5.4+ and MySQL 5.0+
- Apr 8, 2015 - v2.65 (Maintenance Release) - Requires: PHP 5.2.4+ and MySQL 5.0+
- Feb 17, 2015 - v2.64 (Universal Error Logging)
- Sep 3, 2014 - v2.63 (Maintenance Release)
- Jul 15, 2014 - v2.62 (Security Enhancements)
- Feb 19, 2014 - v2.61 (Security Update)
- Feb 13, 2014 - v2.60 (Field Editor enhancements)
- Apr 4, 2013 - v2.53 (Development Server Enhancements)
- Mar 18, 2013 - v2.52
- Feb 7, 2013 - v2.51 (Security & Maintenance Updates)
- Dec 5, 2012 - v2.50 (Language & Translation Features) - Requires: PHP 5.2.4+ and MySQL 5.0+
- Sep 1, 2012 - v2.17 (Maintenance Release)
- Aug 28, 2012 - v2.16 (Speed, Mail, and Usability Improvements)
- May 7, 2012 - v2.15 (New Code Generator)
- Dec 27, 2011 - v2.14 (Maintenance Release)
- Oct 27, 2011 - v2.13 (Maintenance Release)
- Aug 24, 2011 - v2.12 (External Menus)
- Jul 7, 2011 - v2.11 (Maintenance Release)
- Jun 30, 2011 - v2.10 (Faster Server Moves)
- May 31, 2011 - v2.09 (Relative Upload Paths)
- Apr 20, 2011 - v2.08 (Security Enhancements)
- Feb 3, 2011 - v2.07 (Preview Button)
- Sep 9, 2010 - v2.06 (Maintenance Release)
- Jul 6, 2010 - v2.05 (View Menus)
- Apr 27, 2010 - v2.04 (Viewer Pseudo-fields)
- Mar 1, 2010 - v2.03 (Related Records)
- Jan 26, 2010 - v2.02 (Multi-File Uploads & Viewer Enhancements)
- Dec 14, 2009 - v2.01 (Date Field Enhancements)
- Dec 4, 2009 - v2.00 (New User Interface)
- Sep 25, 2009 - v1.36 (Bug Fix Release)
- Sep 23, 2009 - v1.35 (Plugin Enhancements)
- Sep 16, 2009 - v1.34 (Backup & Restore)
- Aug 24, 2009 - v1.33 (Menu Enhancements)
- Aug 4, 2009 - v1.32 (My Account Menu)
- Jul 6, 2009 - v1.31 (Bug Fix Release)
- Jul 3, 2009 - v1.30 (Advanced Editor Search Filters)
- Jun 16, 2009 - v1.29 (Demo Mode Support)
- Apr 8, 2009 - v1.28 (Plugin System Enhancements)
- Feb 24, 2009 - v1.27 (Maintenance Release)
- Feb 2, 2009 - v1.26
- Jan 30, 2009 - v1.25
- Jan 20, 2009 - v1.24 - Requires: PHP 4.3.2+ and MySQL 4.1.7+
- Nov 6, 2008 - v1.23
- Aug 15, 2008 - v1.22
- Aug 14, 2008 - v1.21
- Jul 14, 2008 - v1.20
- Jul 10, 2008 - v1.19
- Jun 26, 2008 - v1.18
- Jun 5, 2008 - v1.17
- Jun 5, 2008 - v1.16
- May 6, 2008 - v1.15
- Apr 18, 2008 - v1.14
- Apr 16, 2008 - v1.13
- Mar 21, 2008 - v1.12
- Mar 20, 2008 - v1.11
- Mar 3, 2008 - v1.10
- Jan 24, 2008 - v1.09
- Jan 19, 2008 - v1.08 - Requires: PHP 4.3.0+ and MySQL 4.1.7+ (lowered requirements)
- Jan 10, 2008 - v1.07
- Jan 3, 2008 - v1.06
- Dec 19, 2007 - v1.05
- Dec 10, 2007 - v1.04 - Requires: PHP 4.3.0+ and MySQL 5.0.15 (lowered requirements)
- Dec 3, 2007 - v1.03
- Nov 30, 2007 - v1.02
- Nov 26, 2007 - v1.01
- Nov 21, 2007 - v1.00 (First Release)
