Website Membership

Name: Website Membership
Version: 1.14 (Released: Oct 5, 2022 - changelog)
Requires:  CMS Builder v3.12
Price:  Free
Download:  Login to download

Website membership functions for user sign-up, password reset, login, edit your profile, user specific content, and login only content.


Website Membership makes password protecting specific areas of your CMS Builder powered website simple. We've used this same plugin for setting up a password protected area for our client's websites.

Website Membership works by allowing site visitors to sign-up for a user account. Once signed up they can log in to view password protected content on your website. At any time, if your visitor has forgotten their password they can request to have it emailed to them.

With Website Membership you can even provide individual users with user specific content (meaning the content is unique only to the user who's logged in). This could be as simple as personalizing pages ("Hello, John"), having certain content only visible for logged in users ("Sign up or Login to see more details"), or even showing different content to different users based on their settings. Such as showing users with a "premium membership" information that users with a regular membership can't see.

This plugin comes with a detailed readme explaining how to set up Website Membership so you can password protect specific pages on your website or showcase different content depending on whether a user is logged in or not.

And to make it easy to get started, Website Membership includes the following template files:

This template is used for creating your sign up form. Site visitors fill out their information such as username, email address, and password. Once an account is created it can be managed through CMS Builder.

Site visitors use this form to log in by inputting their username and password. Once logged in they can view password protected pages on your website.

If a user has forgotten their password they can input their email address into this form. An email will be sent to them with their password.

user-profile.php (new in 1.01)
This "Edit your profile" page allows the user to change their full name, username, email, password, and any other fields you've setup.

Key Features

  • site vistors can easily sign up for an account, inputting their own name, username, password, and email address
  • site visitors who have forgotten their password can request to have it emailed to them
  • users accounts can be managed through CMS Builder
  • password protect entire pages so only users who are logged in may view them
  • display different content to users depending on whether they are logged in or not (e.g. "Sign up to read this article!")
  • show different content based on user or access level (premium users, regular users, and non-logged in users can all see different content)
  • can be used to sign up for CMS Builder user accounts

Customer Quotes

This is such a flexible and easy-to-use system. It's an easy up-sell for clients.
Nigel Gordijk
Common Sense Design
The membership plugin has given me a whole new reason to revisit client sites with an upsell. Clients love the potential that a “client area” has for them. It’s an easy sell and an easy upgrade – we all win!
Tim Forrest
Toledoh Enterprises
Simply put, the easiest way to control access to your CMSB site and define various audiences for your content.
Jayme Cousins
In House Logic