Scrolling Text Code

4 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 23, 2024   (RSS)

Hello. I am asking for some coding assistance please.

(1) I am trying to get ONE text field to show one after the other in ONE line instead of showing the result in a second line below. Basically I am trying to create a ticker tape with text only which will be put into a scrolling marquee.

(2) I also have a start date and end date for the text field to show. What is the coding to enter for this also please?

I have the file attached with my current coding. Thank you.


classifieds.php 2K

By Dave - June 21, 2024

Hi wevolutions,

Did you sort this one out yet?  If not, let me know what the output is you're wanting to create and what your script is outputting now.

Looking at your code it looks like it should show all the 'ad_text' one after another on one line already.

Does your ad_text contain nextlines?  

Let me know more info and we'll try to help.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Codee - July 22, 2024

Hi wevolutions,

Some follow-up questions to try and help figure this out:

Is the code on your classifieds.php page ALL the code you are using so far or do you have it surrounded or tagged with anything else such a header tags (H1, H2,etc...). Is the code being piped out to a script (such as javascript) to make the scrolling action? I notice your inline style CSS instructions for a class entitled ".instructions". Is that class being applied to a <div></div> tag?  There is no font-size instructions in that CSS block either so are you relying upon the default (16px for text) size or is it manipulated by something else? The CSS shows the text is to be surrounded horizontally by essentially 76pixels. That's a lot of space on phones, tablets, etc.  What device(s) are you viewing/testing it on and screen sizes? 

Thank you for responding but I managed to get some assistance from Dave Edis on this. Everything is working as I want it now. Much appreciated to all.