Please disable 'magic_quotes_gpc' error

14 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 19, 2008   (RSS)

You are quite simply a superstar!!!!

It works [:)][:)][:)]

Thanks so much, i'll get onto the site and hopefully have it up and running in no time!


Re: [nikkijones] Updatabe Sections / Split page updatable areas??

By Dave - January 18, 2008

Hurray! Glad to hear it, thanks for the update! :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [grauchut] Updatabe Sections / Split page updatable areas??

By Dave - January 19, 2008

"unexpected $end" means there's an extra or missing bracket "}". Likely around line 71 in init.php.

If you attach your init.php file I'll be able to tell you right away what the problem is.

And for future versions this will all be included so you won't have to worry.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer