News List Viewer links

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 21, 2008   (RSS)

Hi there,

I've now plugged CMS builder into the back of an existing site and i've got to say, i love it!

I was wondering if anyone can help with the following:

- my news list viewer is in the left hand column ( however the links look messy as they show the full file name eg. [url ""][font "Arial"]newsPage.php?David_s_Charity_Trek_-4[/#000000][/url]. Is it possible using php to just have the link as 'read more' and not show the full file name - similar to what you can do using html?

- I cannot upload pdf's from the wysiwyg editor. I have created an uploads field, allowed pdf extensions and increased the upload size to unlimited. But its still saying pdf's are not allowed. I have version 1.06.

- I am having several server errors - mysql error/overload error, etc. (i'm assuming it just doesn't like the software!) and as i had a workaround to get it to work, will it be easy enough to transfer to another host as they have not been very co-operative from start to finish! I may also download the latest release with it being more compatible with the 'behind the times' hosts that i've come across!

Any help will be greatly appreciated. And thanks again for a great piece of software.

Nikki [:)]

Re: [nikkijones] News List Viewer links

By Dave - January 21, 2008

Hi Nikki,

>Is it possible using php to just have the link as 'read more' and not show the full file name

Yes, Try search for "_link" and try something like this:

<a href="<?php echo $record['_link'] ?>">read more</a>

I'll research the PDF issue and get back to you on that.

You shouldn't get any errors. What was the workaround? If you want me to login and take a look you can email me FTP at Or post more details here and I can try and help you track it down through the forum.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] News List Viewer links

That worked a treat!

The server errors are random, sometimes they happen, sometimes the don't. And even when they do, if i refresh the page, its ok. I'm just a bit worried as I need to demonstrate the site to the company during a presentation in the next couple of weeks and it will be a little embarassing if it keeps happening!

It doesn't seem as bad today so i think i'll see how it goes over the next week and keep you posted.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding the pdf's as my clients uses them a lot!

Thanks Dave.

(i'm definitely going to invest in a few more copies of CMS builder before word gets around and the introductory prices goes!) [:)]

Re: [nikkijones] News List Viewer links

By Dave - January 21, 2008

Next time you see an error message could you email it to me at I definitely do not want you getting any error messages. Let me know what they are and we'll get to the bottom of it.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer