CMS Builder vs Article Manager

10 posts by 5 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 2, 2008   (RSS)

By rasbro - January 22, 2008

I would like to suggest a discussion on the main differences between CMS Builder and Article Manager. Or, if nothing else, I would just like some clarity for myself. I think this would be helpful for other web developers out there, and to anyone in general who is considering these two programs for a future project.

I currenlty have a site with Article Manager but I haven't done much with it and can't say that I understand Article Manager's features, capabilities and limitations. I have a couple of sites I am developing right now with CMS Builder, and so I have a little better understanding of how CMS Builder works.

I could really use some guidance before I invest time in software and time for another website project I am planning for. The website theme is outdoor recreation, camping, hiking, outdoor gear, etc. It will mainly be focused on outdoor gear products, articles, reviews, tips, and general outdoor gear and outdoor activity information.

I don't want to use CMS Builder if down the road I will find some major limitations. Likewise I don't want to use Article Manager if CMS Builder offers more flexibility and has more future potential in being expanded and improved.

Thank you in advance for the help!


Re: [rasbro] CMS Builder vs Article Manager

By Dave - January 23, 2008 - edited: January 23, 2008

Hi Brian,

Thanks for your message. There's a few differences, but they are becoming less with every release.

In Article Manager there is only one section "Articles". In CMS Builder you can have unlimited sections ("Articles", "Jobs", "Products", etc).

In Article Manager you can grant someone user or admin access to a section. Users can only see and edit their own content. In CMS Builder you can only grant admin access to a section (we're working on that one for the next version).

In Article Manager you can also assign users to a specific category, you can have advanced categories and subcategories, and email notification of changes. None of that is in CMS Builder.

If you think either would work, my advice is go with CMS Builder. It's much faster to learn and use and it's where we're putting our development time right now.

Hope that helps! Any other questions just let me know!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] CMS Builder vs Article Manager

Hi Dave,
Does this mean that AM2 has a blighted future and that we should be prepared for CMS to become the core product for IT?


Re: [Michael Blake] CMS Builder vs Article Manager

By Dave - January 30, 2008

It means the migration path from AM2 to AM3 might actually be from AM2 to CMS. CMS Builder can't yet do everything AM2 can do, so that's a ways off though.

Whatever name we give it, and where ever we draw the line between one product and another, our main focus is making the software easier and faster for you guys to use and implement.

Hope that helps, any other questions or concerns just let me know.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] CMS Builder vs Article Manager

By matrix - February 1, 2008

I'm so glad this comparison was requested, and thanks for the heads-up about the possible future of AM2.

We're building a new client site, and really need the tools AM2 offers now (user permissions & ease of content update without html knowledge). If we invest in an AM2 license for this site, and CMS Builder is where IT efforts will now go, two questions, please:

1. Is an easy transition from AM2 or 3 to CMS Builder probable/planned?
2. Would a new license be required if that "upgrade" occurs?

I may be asking these questions long before we need the answers, depending on your development time, but anticipate longevity for this client website and we need to plan as well as possible.

Thank you so much.
Happy Interactive Tools product user since 1999

Re: [matrix] CMS Builder vs Article Manager

By Dave - February 1, 2008

Hi matrix,

We like to be responsive to current client requests, so we're not planning too far ahead - and plans can change. But here's the answers as of right now:

1. Is an easy transition from AM2 or 3 to CMS Builder probable/planned?

It could be quite some time, but yes. There's enough overlap in functionality that we'll likely consolidate the products. If/when we do that, we'll aim to have some sort of upgrade system. It might be some work to transition, hopefully less than the amount of work to go from AM1 to AM2.

2. Would a new license be required if that "upgrade" occurs?

In most cases, yes. For resellers who have previously bought licenses that are unused we sometimes offer exchanges for another product.

For site owners - the time to plan an upgrade is when the additional features of CMS justify the cost and effort of upgrading your site - perhaps when you're doing a redesign.

For web designers and resellers - it's basically the same. Wait to upgrade until you're doing a redesign for your client and they want/need the extra features and have the budget to cover your time to switch them over.

Hope that helps, any other questions just let me know. :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] CMS Builder vs Article Manager

Thanks for that Dave,
I have two clients whom I am trying to persuade to move from Joomla to AM2, the small cost of AM2 isn't a barrier but they ned to know that AM2 development has not ceased at the expense of CMS. Looking at the current rate of development of CMS it does appear that AM2 may be stalled in the water. We did purchase CMS but got a refund as our server provider wouldn't upgrade to PHP5, now that CMS supports PHP4 that's no longer a problem but we're stuck between wanting an AM2 solution and seeing all development go towards CMS, hence it may be a case of rolling out the new Joomla 1.5 whilst we wait to see what happens with AM2, rather than waste devleopment time on a product that isn't necessarily going to be best for our longer term needs.

Best Wishes,

Re: [rasbro] CMS Builder vs Article Manager

Here is my question for you. I have been using artile manager or a while and am VERY happy with it!!

The reason I am looking at CMS is for an upgrade so to speak for page publisher. What I want is a better content magement system for my site. Can I use CMS in such a way to take an existing page or pages on my site and bring it into so to speak CMS, and have it work in such a way that allows me to have users edit content on my site?

Re: [HoakMedia] CMS Builder vs Article Manager

By Dave - February 2, 2008

Glad to hear Article Manager is working out so well do you.

Yes, you can use CMS Builder to update all the pages on your site. The main difference from Page Publisher is that you setup the CMS first, and then you add content to it (or re-add it) where-as with Page Publisher you put the tags around the existing content.

Give it a try, just start one page or section at a time, and post in the forum if you run into any troubles and we'll help you out.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer