User Access

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 13, 2008   (RSS)

By matrix - February 13, 2008

2 questions critical to our decision to use CMS Builder immediately, please:

1. User access
When CMS Builder was first announced, it was my understanding that limited user accounts couldn't be assigned, which made it far less useful for clients who needed to be protected from access that could explode the site.

I was happy to read this in Donna's excellent example in the newsletter: "At that point... all that was left was to create a user account for my dad (I don't want him to be able to muck about with the settings he doesn't need to worry about)..."

Does this mean that User accounts can now be assigned with access limited by settings selected by admin?

2. A really newbie question - publishing new pages.
If limited user accounts are assignable, can a restricted user publish new pages in a "section" (is that the right terminology?), for instance as in a category in AM, without access to the configurations of the pages or site? This was/is one of the most powerful features of ArtMan, of course, and I hope it's now available in CMS Builder.

I hope answers are yes for both. We dutifully explore most of the open source CMS options out there, but keep coming to the same conclusion... your support makes your products far and above the most value for the time and money.

Thanks so much.
Happy Interactive Tools product user since 1999

Re: [matrix] User Access

By Dave - February 13, 2008

Hello Marilyn! Good to hear from you. :)

User Access - Currently you can limit users to specific sections. So if you want one user to be able to update news only, and another can update events that's no problem. You can also choose who gets "admin" access to adjust program settings.

But if a user has access to say "events", they'll have access to all the events in that section. Not just their own. So you can limit access by section, but not by record within the record. We're actually working on that feature for the next release.

Will that work for you? Let me know if you have any other questions.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [matrix] User Access

By Dave - February 13, 2008

Yes, a user could add a event or news release and have it go live on the website right away. All without having access to the admin menu.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] User Access

By matrix - February 13, 2008

Happy Interactive Tools product user since 1999