trying to implement a new DNS-url/link addresses won't change...

22 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 17, 2008   (RSS)

By rcrofoot - April 15, 2008

Hi Dave-

I create a "/decaro" directory within "", and copied within that new directory, the existing structure and contents of cmsAdmin/uploads, and got it to work! So all existing data displayed correctly from the appropriate directory...

Then in CMS in "General/Admin Settings", I changed the "Upload Directory" from "/usr/www/users/decaro/cmsAdmin/uploads/" to "/usr/www/users/decaro/kellyassociates/decaro/cmsAdmin/uploads/", and was able to create a new record and input data and upload photos...At this point however, while still in the new record (before saving it), I couldn't see the thumbnails of the photos I has just uploaded...But when I saved the data, went to the site, and looked at the record, everything was there and all links operational...And when I went back to CMS and looked again at the record, the text data was present, but the photos wouldn't render to thumbnails...

So, I went to "General/Admin Settings" again and this time changed the "Upload Folder URL" from "/decaro/cmsAdmin/uploads/" to "/decaro/kellyassociates/decaro/cmsAdmin/uploads/", but still couldn't get the thumbnails to display properly...

Any idea how I can get those thumbnails to display???

Also, I think the whole problem was created when I was told to create a new directory off the root, and use that as the "new" root, after CMS had already been installed...The ideal solution I think would be to re-install CMS off the new root, and then again copy all existing data files to "cmsAdmin/uploads/"...What do you think?

If you've read this far, I have great respect for you!

Many thanks as always, Rick

Hi Rick,

If this seems correct logic to you, do you think it would be possible to create a "/decaro" directory within "", and create within that new directory, the existing structure and contents of cmsAdmin/uploads???

Yes, I think that's worth a shot. Try copying the contents of:
/usr/www/users/decaro/cmsAdmin/uploads to

And let me know if that fixes it.

Re: [rcrofoot] trying to implement a new DNS-url/link addresses won't change...

By Dave - April 15, 2008

Hi Rick,

Want to move this over to email and I can login and have a look? It might be quicker? Can you send me FTP and CMS login details to I'd be happy to take a look for you and figure out this last little bit so we can get it working again for you.

Let me know how I can best help.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By rcrofoot - April 16, 2008


Thanks for working so late on this...I did some testing last night, and everything seems to work great! It's in the hands of the client now...

For me I think the lesson learned here is to make sure CMS is installed at the proper location...With the original DNS, I had to add on 2 directories to get to the web root...With the final DNS those 2 directories were built-in, so there's no way I could back out (easily) to reference where CMS was installed...and all my data...

Also, when I copied the cmsAdmin folders and data to the new location, was that considered a valid install??? Is there anything I need to change, such as in the PHP config file???

Thanks again for ALL your help...! I learned alot in the process...


Re: [rcrofoot] trying to implement a new DNS-url/link addresses won't change...

By rcrofoot - April 16, 2008

Hi Dave-

I have one other concern re: what we were working on...When I "X-out" the old cmsAdmin directory, I get a Warning and a Fatal Error notice regarding the same line which is:

require_once "/usr/home/decaro/public_html/cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php";

This code (the path) is probably looking in the old directory to access the DB...Can this path be changed to the new location somehow, or does CMS need to be "officially" re-installed to its new location???

Thanks, Rick

Re: [rcrofoot] trying to implement a new DNS-url/link addresses won't change...

By Dave - April 16, 2008

when I copied the cmsAdmin folders and data to the new location, was that considered a valid install??? Is there anything I need to change, such as in the PHP config file?

Since you're on the same server still, the only thing that would need to be changed would be the upload path and we already did that. The mysql data would be the same. So everything should be fine.

Let me know if you run into any more problems.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By rcrofoot - April 16, 2008


I'm trying to figure out the "require_once" fatal error problem...For now (and to keep my client happy) I re-enabled the original cmsAdmin directory, and things seem to be working fine...Just wondering why that old cmdAdmin directory would be needed at all at this point...

The require_once code looks like it has an absolute path: require_once "/usr/home/decaro/public_html/cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php"; it should be able to access "viewer_functions.php" OK...It would seem like "viewer_functions.php" contains code to reference the old cmsAdmin directory instead of the new one...I haven't looked inside yet...

Have to go out until around 2pm...


By rcrofoot - April 16, 2008

Hi Dave-

I'm going to make the path revision to the require_once statement in a while, after my Connecticut client is sure to be off the site...In the meantime here's what I'm about to do:

Here's the original require_once statement: require_once "/usr/home/decaro/public_html/cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php";

which I'm going to cange to: require_once "/usr/home/decaro/public_html/kellyassociates/decaro/cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php";

What confused me at first was the presence of "public_html" in the root, but from what I can determine this simply represents "www/users/decaro"...So, I could also use as a path in the require_once statement: "/usr/www/users/decaro/kellyassociates/decaro/cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php"

Before I make the change, does this sound right to you???

Also, it seems to me that CMS in the new location was dealing with some functionality, but CMS in the old location was handling viewer functions...Everything that needed to be accomplished was done, but it was being done by the double install of CMS...

Any feedback or suggestions would be helpful...

Thanks, Rick

Re: [rcrofoot] trying to implement a new DNS-url/link addresses won't change...

By Dave - April 16, 2008

Hi Rick,

Sounds right, but the quickest way to double check is to go into the code generator on the new install and see what it comes up with for the require_once line. Just copy that. And just try one at a time.

This pathing thing sure has been complicated! Glad it's working for you now.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By rcrofoot - April 16, 2008

Great idea! I'll let you know how it turns out...
