Unknown column 'title' in 'order clause'

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 24, 2008   (RSS)

By roddruce - April 23, 2008

Hello there,
I have just purchased V1.14 and read all the help files thoroughly though they aren't simplified enough for newbies to CMS. I have created a new user but getting the php code to work is proving difficult.

Below is the page in question with a MySQL a order clause error? This is ambiguous to me. I know santa clause but nor order clause!

In this sub-domain folder I renamed the index.htm to index.php and dropped the Page Viewer code into this file and uploaded to the sub-domain directory.

What I don’t understand is why do I save this viewer code as "demoPage.php"? I have just ignored that for now.

You can see the problem in the url below…


Page Viewer (demo): MySQL Error: Unknown column 'title' in 'order clause'

This is the demo page user account if you want to see what I have done.
[url "http://www.ourmenus.com.au/cmsAdmin/admin.php"][font "Times New Roman"]http://www.ourmenus.com.au/cmsAdmin/admin.php[/#800080][/url]
[font "Arial"]Username: demo
Password: demo

Cheers - Rod

Re: [Dave] Unknown column 'title' in 'order clause'

By roddruce - April 24, 2008

Thanks Dave, that worked a treat.

Will I need to blank out the order by values each time I create a new section from now on?

For your information, I can't open any php file generated by the viewer in my webeditor "Namo". So I have had to use notepad, which is probably the correct method to make web pages anyway, but I wonder why my Webeditor is now always closing down?


Re: [roddruce] Unknown column 'title' in 'order clause'

By Dave - April 24, 2008

The order by values is just a list of fields to sort by. So if you're creating a single page section you can blank it out. For multipage section you'll want to set it the fields you want to sort by.

As far as the editor, I'm not sure why the editor is closing down. Does it allow you to open any PHP files at all?

In any case, glad you got your demo page working, let us know if you have any other problems!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Unknown column 'title' in 'order clause'

By roddruce - April 24, 2008

In regard to the webeditor, it will open all php files except CMSB but I am sure it is a flaw in the webeditor as an earlier version will open these files as will other web editors I tried out last night.
