Translate admin.php to another language?

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 8, 2008   (RSS)

Re: [einslistir] Translate admin.php to another language?

By Dave - April 28, 2008

Hi einslistir,

Ther'es no helpfile for translating, and we haven't added any features for that yet. But it is something we plan to address at some point in the future.

For now the simplest method would be to just make a backup of the existing files and then do a search for the word you want to replace and then replace it. Most of the code and html is separated enough that it shouldn't be too hard.

And yes, you can rename admin.php to anything else you like (.php) and it will work fine. There's no hardcoded links to admin.php.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Translate admin.php to another language?

By einslistir - May 8, 2008

As I said the other day, I would like to translate some standard commands in the administration, like “Create”, “Refresh”, “Prev Page”, “Next Page”, “Save”, “Cancel”, “Created”, “Last Updated” and maybe some others like that.

I’m not shure where (in which folder or files) to search for those words and maybe sentences, so I can translate them from english to faroese. Do you have a clue for that?

Re: [einslistir] Translate admin.php to another language?

By Dave - May 8, 2008

Do you have an editor program that lets you search across multiple files?

The default menu files can be found in /lib/menus/default/ and you'd find the files for each menu form (list, edit, etc) in there.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer