Anchors in CMS

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 20, 2008   (RSS)

By beferrari55 - May 20, 2008

This is my first install of CMS, but have been a happy PP User for several years.

I have read the various posts on anchors and have not found an answer to my situation.

On the home page I have several teaser intro photos and short text which need to link to actual articles within another page. The articles are all in one long scrolling div, but each are created as a separate record within the editor section. I have added the anchor at the point in the record which I want to display when called from the link on the home page, but cannot seem to get the <a href code line correct.

In one post it mentions that once you add an anchor, and then go to link button, a dropdown menu displays that anchor, and if you choose it the code string appears. I get no dropdown here, only a generic picture insert button next to the link url input area.

Would appreciate any help or suggestions.


The Bearahcuda

Re: [bearahcuda] Anchors in CMS

By Dave - May 20, 2008

Hi Bearahcuda, welcome to the CMS Builder forums! :)

Do you want to manually insert anchor links each time or have it automatic?

If you want to manually enter anchors by creating links in the wysiwyg just add #anchorName on the end of the url. Like this: (or whatever your anchor is named).

If you wanted to do it automatically you could have fields for the teaser photo and text as part of the article editor. Then display the latest 3 teasers on the front page and create anchors based on the article number.

Let me know if that makes sense and which way you want to do it. Also, if that doesn't solve it for you if you're able to post an url that helps give a better idea of what you're trying to do.

Thanks. Let me know if you need more details or explanation.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [bearahcuda] Anchors in CMS

By Dave - May 20, 2008

I can't seem to get an anchor dropdown on my end either, so I'm not sure about that feature.

What happens when you create a link from the frontpage blurb to "/members.php#uno". So, you select some text on the frontpage blurb, click the link button, and enter this for the link url: /members.php#uno

Maybe remove any old links first? It seems to save that link on my end. What happens on your end?

Let me know. I'm sure we can figure this out shortly.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Anchors in CMS

By beferrari55 - May 20, 2008

Because that was too simple of a solution and I have been looking for all of the difficult answers. I had placed the entire url in there, combination of other codes, scripts, kitchen sink, you name it and was forever getting the famous 404 Not Found Page of doom. With just the /page name and anchor it works fine. I get todays D for Dumb A.. award. THANKS!

Re: [bearahcuda] Anchors in CMS

By Dave - May 20, 2008

hehe, no problem at all. Glad to hear it's working! :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer