Multiples field from on table populate one field from an othe table
6 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 22, 2008 (RSS)
By philb - June 25, 2008
I need to find a way to take 3 fields from one table entered in one Editor and have then populate one field in an other Editor. Lest say in the first section I have 3 field: code, product and format.
I enter all my products using that Editor. I have setup another Editor to enter some special about some chosen products. When adding new special I would like to be able to select products -entered in the previous Editor- from a list that is populated from the code, product, format field from the other table (Editor).
I tried to use the List Options and selected the "Get options from database / MySQL" but it only allows for one field to be selected. Is there a way to merge the data from code,product,format and populate the list field?
Could you give me some hint as to how I can accomplish that?
Thanks for your help
Re: [philb] Multiples field from on table populate one field from an othe table
By Dave - June 25, 2008
You're close. Under list options selected "Get options from MySQL Query (advanced)" and enter this (use your own table prefix and table name instead of cms_tablename):
SELECT num, CONCAT_WS(" ", code, produit, format) FROM cms_tablename
The CONCAT_WS mysql function means "concatenate with string" or "join these fields together with this first value". So in the above example it would join code, produit, and format together with a space and return that as the pulldown "label". I set the pulldown "value" as the num field. If you want the joined value for both just use this:
SELECT CONCAT_WS(" ", code, produit, format), CONCAT_WS(" ", code, produit, format) FROM cms_tablename
Hope that helps! Let me know how it goes.
Re: [Dave] Multiples field from on table populate one field from an othe table
By philb - June 26, 2008
You're a genius. It worked exactly as I wanted. I knew there was something about concatenation of the different values. I just did not know how.
Thanks for this incredible help... again![;)]
Philippe, a very happy guy![:)]
Re: [philb] Multiples field from on table populate one field from an othe table
By Dave - June 26, 2008
I had wondered when I was adding that feature if anyone would ever have a need for it! :) hehe
Re: [Dave] Multiples field from on table populate one field from an othe table
By sjenko - September 20, 2008
I am using the same function to display more that one field element from related item, How do I add a link to this related item?
Re: [sjenko] Multiples field from on table populate one field from an othe table
By Dave - September 22, 2008