Simple layout query

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 2, 2008   (RSS)

By chassa2556 - July 2, 2008

Getting bogged down at the first hurdle in my list viewer. I simply want to order my copy detail in a left hand column and then put the image data in the right hand column. Doesn't seem to want to do it in a simple way. Could you give me a simple workthrough on this. I've got to a point where it is drawing it but the first pic is not the same as the rest.

I just want to draw a table have the text in the left and pics in the right?

Re: [Donna] Simple layout query

By chassa2556 - July 2, 2008

The first image in the row seems to be closer to the copy than the rest for some reason?

Could you tell me which php tags need to go in the right hand column - not being a php coder I'm not sure whether I'm ending them properly.

I attach the file - could you have a brief look for me?

Thanks so much

Re: [chassa2556] Simple layout query

By chassa2556 - July 2, 2008

Thanks for your time Donna but Dave has sorted this for me thanks