Filter results based on search form input (Viewer Options,Allow Searching)

4 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 18, 2008   (RSS)

By kkegans - July 18, 2008

Greetings all,

In the Viewer Options I see the following option:

Allow Searching: Filter results based on search form input (disable for multiple viewers on one page)[/#004080]

That seems to be the extent of the documentation on this feature.

I am wondering if this can be used to limit the results based on a users search selection? If so is there any additional information on the use of this option, or would one of you provide a bit of detail on how this option can be used.

In my situation, I have fields in the DB for "Make" and "Model" . I would like to present the user with a search selection page and have the results displayed limited to only the "Make" and/or "Model" the user selected.

Can this be done from a single page and if so, how?

Thanks for all of your help and a great product!

CMSB Rocks!

Re: [kkegans] Filter results based on search form input (Viewer Options,Allow Searching)

By Donna - July 18, 2008

Hi Kurt!

Setting up a search in CMS Builder is pretty simple. :) The most important part is going to be the <form> tag -- you'll want something like this:

<form action="listPage.php" method="post">

...where "listPage.php" is any "List" style viewer file that will be used for the output. I often use the same listing page that I've already created to show all of my listings.

Beyond that, the elements are setup the same as any form. The "name" of each field will be the field name you setup in the Admin. So, if you have a field called "Summary" that you want to search, you'd have something like this:

Summary: <input type="text" name="summary">

Everything else is just standard HTML. :)

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.


Re: [Dave] Filter results based on search form input (Viewer Options,Allow Searching)

By kkegans - July 18, 2008

Thanks Dave,

That link really helped. I don't know why I had not seen that in the online doc.......

CMSB Rocks!