Add content to more then one site

6 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 20, 2008   (RSS)

By grauchut - August 14, 2008

It there a way I can add content from one cms site to another site. Example. I want to add all my sites to the link pages of all my sites. Is there a way I can do it from one cms program instead of logging into each sites cms? Thanks
Glenn Rauchut (Owner) Emergency Designz

Re: [grauchut] Add content to more then one site

By Kenny - August 15, 2008 - edited: August 15, 2008

If all of your sites are on the same server, it will work without any problems. The line at the top of the page (yours will be different):

require_once "/home/sagentic/public_html/cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php";

will normally work no matter what site you put it on as long as the sites are on the same server.

I can't attest to this for all set ups and shared environments as we have our own dedicated servers.

A prime example of what we did is kind of like what you are wanting to do.

Our main CMS installation is on - one of the sections we have is "Portfolio"

On another site, we display that portfolio (only the real estate listings).

Paste the code as normal. I only had to make one change for the screenshot image to get it to display the image right - I had to expand the url of the image as shown below:

<?php elseif ($upload['isImage']): ?>
<img src="<?php echo $upload['urlPath'] ?>" width="120" alt="" />

Re: [sagentic] Add content to more then one site

By grauchut - August 16, 2008

I tried that with no luck. All of my sites operate off of the same server with different My SQL Databases set up for each site. My clients are able to update their links pages by themselfs so their is already a

[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"]Code
require_once "/home/sagentic/public_html/cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php";

set up at the top of the page.
Glenn Rauchut (Owner) Emergency Designz

Re: [grauchut] Add content to more then one site

By Jake - August 17, 2008

Hi Glenn,

What kind of problems were you running into? Did you see any error message or was this just not working?

This type of setup may not be possible on all hosting environments. As Dave mentioned, you may need to use something like an <iframe> tag to accomplish this. [:)]
Jake Marvin - Product Specialist

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Re: [Jake] Add content to more then one site

By grauchut - August 20, 2008

I decided to just set it up on each page. Thanks
Glenn Rauchut (Owner) Emergency Designz