Modifying Config after Site Migration

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 10, 2008   (RSS)

By avrom - September 9, 2008

Hi Dave,

I just migrated a site to a new server, and the MySQL is already imported to the new db. What config file is necessary to edit for the MySQL config info ? (i.e. db name, user name, password, server path etc.)

Thanx :)))


Re: [Dave] Modifying Config after Site Migration

By avrom - September 10, 2008

Okay Dave,

Please bear with me here, as I'm not 100% sure of the steps to take, and thank you :)))

So I have uploaded the new db and imported everything, and am viewing the new site through my Plesk Site Preview (since the DNS has not been changed yet).

The site obviously doesn't show the cms, but when I go to the admin.php file it wants to run an install. Should I go ahead and do this, or will I lose all my content entered in the db from the previous site ? I wouldn't want to lose all that setup and information from the previous server...

Thanks so much :))

Re: [virgodesign] Modifying Config after Site Migration

By Dave - September 10, 2008

Yes, it's safe to proceed with that install screen. All the install does is update your some settings (including MySQL) and let you create a new user.

All your sections will be stored in data files in /data/schema/

Try running the install and let me know how it goes. Feel free to email me directly if you want me to take a look.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer