Tyring to get image captions into Lightbox 2

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 14, 2008   (RSS)

I have Lightbox 2 set up to display full-size images of my Upload Fields, but can't determine how to get my image captions (info1, info2, etc) into the Lightbox 2 caption.

Has anyone done this successfully? If so, I'd really appreciate some tips. (I'm brand new to CMS Builder and to Lightbox.)


Re: [Deborah] Tyring to get image captions into Lightbox 2

By Deborah - September 6, 2008 - edited: September 6, 2008

I figured this one out myself. I just needed to add my [info2] to the image title tag. Works great.


Re: [chassa2556] Tyring to get image captions into Lightbox 2

[font "Verdana"]Donna sent me the following link for a case study of a CMS Builder site she created that included Lightbox, with an overview of how it was integrated:

[font "Verdana"]I think you'll find the instructions on the Lightbox 2 page sufficient. [font "Verdana"]Just be sure to get all of the paths correct.

[font "Verdana"]Hope that helps.
[font "Verdana"]Deborah

Re: [Deborah] Tyring to get image captions into Lightbox 2

Brilliant thanks Deborah I got Lytebox to work in the end.