Translators Needed: CMS Builder Multi-Language Beta

25 posts by 8 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 20, 2012   (RSS)

By Dave - July 7, 2008

Hi cosmic_ant,

Yes, that's would be great. It's a work in progress, I'll attach the latest french translation.

You'll see the english on the left and the translations on the right.

Just replace the french with spanish then email it back to me at and I'll double check everything and send you the next beta build.

Thanks again, let me know if you have any other questions.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

fr_002.php 5K

Re: [Dave] Translators Needed: CMS Builder Multi-Language Beta

By jamtc - October 17, 2008

Hi everyone,

I've been researching how to best add multiple languages.

If you'd like to help beta test a multi-language CMS Builder please post below and include the language you can translate into.


Hi Dave !

I can help you in Portuguese language...

So let me know how...


Re: [jamtc] Translators Needed: CMS Builder Multi-Language Beta

By Dave - October 17, 2008

Hi Jamtc,

That's great. You can find the language files in /cmsAdmin/lib/languages/

Just follow the instructions in "how_to_add_languages.txt" and then send us a copy of your translation when you're done and we'll add it to the distribution.

Let me know if you have any questions about anything.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Translators Needed: CMS Builder Multi-Language Beta

By jamtc - October 18, 2008 - edited: October 18, 2008

Hi Dave !

I translate the en.php to pt.php and I attach the file here...


pt.php 7K

Re: [Dave] Translators Needed: CMS Builder Multi-Language Beta

By jamtc - October 20, 2008 - edited: October 20, 2008

Hi Again Dave!

I just UPLOAD the two files...

pt.php (Better translation)



Re: [jamtc] Translators Needed: CMS Builder Multi-Language Beta

By Dave - October 20, 2008

Great, thanks! I'll add those to the next release.

Thanks again! :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Translators Needed: CMS Builder Multi-Language Beta

I can help with Spanish language if you want and no one else is doing.


Re: [alissibronte] Translators Needed: CMS Builder Multi-Language Beta

By Dave - November 28, 2012

Hi alissibronte,

That's great, thanks. :) We should be releasing v2.50 in the next week or so, so when we do that if you could download it, and edit these files:


And email them to me at then I could include them in the next release after this one. No rush on any of it, just whenever you have time.

Thanks again, cheers.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Translators Needed: CMS Builder Multi-Language Beta

By moh3 - November 29, 2012

Hi, i can translate to Arabic, can you please list needed steps