Considering moving to CMS Builder

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 19, 2008   (RSS)

Hi, I am a designer, with experience in developing custom eZ Publish CMS websites. Working in partnership with an eZ Publish developer, I have developed some interesting sites. My area of expertise being design, (X)HTML/CSS scripting and basic PHP modifications, I have always developed front end prototype elements, with developers used to script special eZ Publish templates and functionality.

Due to the eZ Publish way of constructing sites projects are often relying on external eZ Publish specialists to make functional updates. As such I am interested to view the CMS Builder tool, it seems to offer a basic lightweight CMS tool with all the features our client’s request in terms of updating their own sites.

My questions in evaluation the CMS Builder system are;
- How easy is it to build custom Plug-in features?
- If we build special modular plug-ins can we market these features to existing CMS Builder developers?
- Does CMS Builder offer a media manager to manage media assets referenced throughout the site?
- Are there any existing plug-ins to allow user registrations to enable sites to offer secure members areas?
- I have noticed that url are posted as, can this be updated to remove the .php suffix
- Is there a quick way to map existing site urls, and redirect to an CMS Builder site (such as custom url entry per content item)?
- Does CMS Builder use standard PHP and MySQL, with no encryption allowing for full customisation if needed.

I would also be interested to hear from other designers formally using complex CMS frameworks such as eZ Publish who have since moved build projects to CMS Builder and the related success or difficulties experienced in the change of development approach.

p.s. sorry for the long post.

Looking forward to hear your comments :)
Martin - Sanders Design -

Re: [Dave] Considering moving to CMS Builder

hi Dave, thanks for the feedback.

On an additional note is it easy to allow our clients to link with youtube movies. A media import tool maybe?

I'd also like to know if the system currently has any support for contact forms. A contact form creator could work in a similar way to the editor building tools were admin users would build and publish contact forms with selected input attributes. You could also have a capture all entered data admin page were all forms posted on the site get recorded to.

Martin - Sanders Design -

Re: [designer] Considering moving to CMS Builder

By Dave - November 19, 2008

Hi Martin,

Yes you can insert youtube videos by clicking the media button in the wysiwyg and inserting the url to the flash file.

There's currently no form builder included. It's something we have in mind to add in the future though (no ETA).
Dave Edis - Senior Developer