column 'thumbFilePath2' in 'field list'

10 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 21, 2008   (RSS)

By andycal - October 16, 2008

Just upgraded to 1.22 and when adding an image to an upload box that used to work, I get :

"MySQL Error: Unknown column 'thumbFilePath2' in 'field list'"

Has the way thumbnails worked changed a bit?

Re: [andycal] column 'thumbFilePath2' in 'field list'

By Dave - October 16, 2008

Hi andycal,

Make sure you uploaded the file (or try re-uploading it):

And then click on: Admin > Section Editors and it should re-create that field if it wasn't created for you already.

Let me know if that fixes it.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] column 'thumbFilePath2' in 'field list'

By andycal - October 16, 2008

I actually just created the fields in the database manually and it worked.

I'll go upload that file again though, just in case.

Re: [andycal] column 'thumbFilePath2' in 'field list'

By andycal - October 16, 2008

Actually, before I do upload the file, is it likely to cause any problems seeing as I've already created the fields?

Re: [andycal] column 'thumbFilePath2' in 'field list'

By Dave - October 16, 2008

No, the schema file just lists the fields. And they are created if they don't exist.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [andycal] column 'thumbFilePath2' in 'field list'

I'm getting a similar error when I upload a file: MySQL Error: Field 'thumbFilePath2' doesn't have a default value

This happened after moving site to a new host. I re-uloaded the uploads.ini file but I still get teh error. Any ideas?

Re: [Dave] column 'thumbFilePath2' in 'field list'

Hi Dave:
I have the admin tool to edit the database. This is the version that you did the custom mod for me before adding the feature to the upgraded version (multiple category thing). So I'm not certain what version it is technically. This project was on hold so long and I'm finally getting back to it. I did another site with the newer version in between and I'm wondering if I upgraded inadvertently when I moved it to the new server.

Re: [darrylo] column 'thumbFilePath2' in 'field list'

By Dave - November 21, 2008

Hi darrylo,

Do you want to just send me FTP and CMS login details and I can take a look directly? Email (email, don't post login details to the forum).

Let me know if that works for you.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] column 'thumbFilePath2' in 'field list'

By darrylo - November 21, 2008 - edited: November 22, 2008

Thanks Dave for recommending upgrade - problem has been resolved and upgrading was simple. Much easier than trying to troubleshoot.