Using previous database?

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 2, 2008   (RSS)

Re: [KaboomJk] Using previous database?

By Dave - December 1, 2008

Hi KaboomJk,

Note this is all undocumented and unplanned functionality, but you should be able to re-create your CMS Schema files and use the existing data this way:

CMS Builder won't show database tables that it doesn't have a schema file for, but it will show mysql fields it doesn't recognize if you already have a schema file.

So if you haven't already, backup your MySQL data.

Then, create a file /cmsAdmin/data/schema/sectionName.ini.php for each section with this content

;<?php die('This is not a program file.'); exit; ?>

_detailPage = ""
_disableAdd = 0
_disableErase = 0
_filenameFields = ""
_hideRecordsFromDisabledAccounts = 0
_listPage = ""
_maxRecords = ""
_maxRecordsPerUser = ""
listPageFields = ""
listPageOrder = ""
listPageSearchFields = ""
menuHidden = 0
menuName = ""
menuOrder = 5
menuType = "" # set this to single, multi, or category and remove this comment.

order = 1
type = "none"
label = "Record Number"
isSystemField = 1

(Another way to do this is to create your schemas as "sectionName2" then rename them after.

Then click on each section and set the field types and labels.

Feel free to email me FTP and CMS login details if you run into troubles and I can take a look (, email, don't post login details to the forum!).

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Using previous database?

That did the trick. Thanks a lot!