Generating XML using CMS

15 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 27, 2008   (RSS)

Halleleujah!!! It works now - God Bless You!

Re: [meg] Generating XML using CMS

By Dave - December 23, 2008

Hi meg,

Can you give an example of the lines that it's outputting now (just the ones you want to change), and what you want it to output instead? Once I have that I can give you some code to generate that.

Also, while debugging the xml, it's a good practice to get it working with a plain text .xml file first, then once you know it's working, have CMS Builder generate an xml file that looks the same. It makes it easier to track down problems.

Hope that helps, let me know about the output.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By meg - December 23, 2008

Hi Dave,

The plain text .xml file is working fine. Here is a sample of it:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


Even when I changed the file to a xml.php with the heading
<?php echo('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'); ?>
and using the same code as above, the gallery works.

When I change the caption to:
<caption><?php echo $upload['info1']?>"</caption>
This error occurs:
undefined variable:upload in data/home/etc... (the directory path to the config.xml.php file)

How can I have it display the caption text?

Regarding the image url in the xml, whenever it switch the code to this (see below) I just get a black screen within the swf.

<?php echo('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'); ?>

require_once "/data/home/url name/docs/cms/lib/viewer_functions.php)";

list($artistRecords, $artistMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName' => 'artist',
'where' => whereRecordNumberInUrl(1),
'limit' => '1',
$artistRecord = @$artistRecords[0];

<?php foreach ($artistRecords['uploads'] as $upload): ?>
<url><?php echo $upload['urlPath']; ?></url>
<caption><?php echo $upload['info1']?>"</caption>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Instead of referencing a URL, <url><?php echo $upload['urlPath']; ?></url> is referencing the directory path and the XML can't reference the directory path. Again, I'm uploading the images in the CMS to the original folder that the regular .xml was using. In regards to the caption, it states undefined variable. I'm not as clear how to handle this.

What are your thoughts?
I attached a sample of the swf file as well. The folder tree goes as such:

images (folder)

Please help! javascript:%20addTag(':/')

Re: [meg] Generating XML using CMS

By Dave - December 27, 2008

Hi Meg,

It might be quickest if I could just take a look at the code directly. If that works for you just email CMS and FTP login details to (email, don't post login details to the forum). And also include the url to the plain text xml file that is working, the php version that isn't, and the flash page that displays them.

I'll post back here or via email with the solution. Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer