How to let customers add new pages with menu?

10 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 12, 2009   (RSS)


So far I like CMS builder - great tool. Before buying I called in and was told that end users can create new pages based on current pages and that it would create the menu structure for it. But that is just not a feature included yet from what I can see.

I have figured out how to get a menu structure working on a page after reading some forum posts here. But how does the end user add new pages that the menu items link to?

Example it shows on page

About Us

Support SIte

About us links to:

But where can the customer create that page and edit it?

I really hope you have menu system setup in software as a non advanced feature soon. Everything else is very simple... this is not simple at all right now.

We need to allow customers to Add a page, and alter the menu item to link to that page. Or have cmsbuilder create the page and item at same time, allowing the end user to choose which existing page to model the new page after.


Top Level:______________

Menu Item: _____________

Model Page After: ___drop down of other existing pages_____

After clicking SUBMIT.... end user is shown the page editing options justlike the other page edits they will be use to seeing and using.

Now that would be an awesome feature. In fact, I would pay you to do this as a plugin. This is a feature I will need for every website we create for customers and our intention is to try and use CMS builder for every site we develop from here on. But I need this functionality. If not standard feature... can you create a plugin. That way each time I can buy cmsbuilder and the plugin for each project. I am sure you would sell lots of plugins like that... win win.


Re: [Dave] How to let customers add new pages with menu?

OK.. I got the menu to show up on the page but when i click a menu link i get an error...

Warning: require_once(C:/wamp/www/sb/core2/admin/lib/viewer_functions.php) [[url ""]function.require-once[/#0066cc][/url]]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 3

Fatal error: require_once() [
[url ""]function.require[/#0066cc][/url]]: Failed opening required 'C:/wamp/www/sb/core2/admin/lib/viewer_functions.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 3

Now.. i looked in Categorylist.php and i cannot find anywhere where it states C:/wamp/www/sb/core2/admin/lib/viewer_functions.php

I also did a search on all files and this does not show in any page of cms.

I have attached some files.

Any idea why i get this error? I am not a php kind of guy.


Re: [QuietCalm] How to let customers add new pages with menu?

By Dave - January 8, 2009

Hi QuietCalm,

The require_once line needs to be updated the have the same path as your server. Just click on Admin > Code Generator, and create any kind of viewer, then copy the require_once() line.

It will probably look something like this:

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] How to let customers add new pages with menu?

THat is what it has from what io can see.

What file needs to be looked at?

Did you see the attached files in previous post.. it looks right.

I searched all my files, and the line to replace is already replaced.

Can you tell me where to look and I can send the file as attachment for you to double check..


Re: [QuietCalm] How to let customers add new pages with menu?

By Dave - January 8, 2009

Hi Don,

Yea, it looks right. I'm not sure where it's getting the "C:/wamp/www/sb/core2/admin/..." from. That is the path from my dev computer. It would have been in the default categoryList.php you downloaded but it has been changed already in the version you attached. You've updated the /categoryList.php function in your website root right?

If you like you can send me CMS and FTP login details to and I can take a look for you. (Email, don't post login details to the forum).

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] How to let customers add new pages with menu?

ok it was loading the wrong categorylist file.. i fixed it but now i get this:

Isn't the page supposed to look exactly like this one?

THe customer adds a new page... it should look like the main page should it now?

I am confused.


Re: [QuietCalm] How to let customers add new pages with menu?

I am getting close to the fix and understanding this Dave.. thanks for the help. It is a bit daunting without being a php coder..

Everything seems to be working now except the error at :

ERROR: Notice: Undefined index: _isSelected in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 62 [url ""]Bus Tours[/#800080][/url] Notice: Undefined index: _isSelected in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 62

This is line 62:

<!-- category menu --> <?php foreach ($categoryRecords as $categoryRecord): ?> <?php echo str_repeat("&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;", $categoryRecord['depth']); ?> <?php if ($categoryRecord['_isSelected']): ?><b><?php endif; ?> <a href="<?php echo $categoryRecord['_link'] ?>"><?php echo $categoryRecord['name'] ?></a> <?php if ($categoryRecord['_isSelected']): ?></b><?php endif; ?> <br/> <?php endforeach; ?> <!-- /category menu -->

Can you see where I may have gone wrong?


Re: [Dave] How to let customers add new pages with menu?

I just can't get the menu to work ?

Menu error:

Notice: Undefined index: _isSelected in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 71 [url ""]About Us[/#800080][/url] Notice: Undefined index: _isSelected in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 73
Notice: Undefined variable: selectedCategory in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 77 No record selected Notice: Undefined variable: selectedCategory in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 81

Attached is the categoryList.php being used.

I really need this to work as it is holding up my project. I have posted the code from your forum, double chekced code from CMS code generator.. I do not understand what the problem is. ?

Anyone know?


Re: [QuietCalm] How to let customers add new pages with menu?

By ross - January 12, 2009

Hi QuietCalm

Doesn't looks like your attachment made it. Would you mind trying again? I'd like to take a closer look at the code :).

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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