order in category

6 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 22, 2009   (RSS)

Hi Dave and Ross

Our category is made by consoling custom service.
but there is no "Order" function.
We can not "Drag" or "UP DN" our category item. Every time we upload. it will list by number or "A to Z"
That is a problem.

Can we have the basic function for our consolting service?

Thanks a lot.

- JH
-Jax H.

Re: [JH] order in category

By Dave - January 22, 2009

Hi JH,

This is for the custom work Ross is doing for you right?

Basically you just need to add a field called "dragSortOrder" and it should work. I'm not sure if this would cause any other problems with your custom setup, though.

I've asked Ross to give it a try for you. If it's easy we'll do it for you, if there's more complications we'll let you know.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [ross] order in category

hi Dave and Ross

Thank you so much for your help.
It look nice.

We would like to add "parent_category" to "sub_category" panel by ourself?
It's help our customer to figuar what sub category is in parent category out .
It's hard to say. please kindly check attach file.

Is it possible add the field only useing CMS Builder by ourself ? or we need to open the code to add it?

Thanks a lot again!

-Jax H.

parent_to_sub.jpg 74K

Re: [JH] order in category

By Dave - January 22, 2009

Hi JH,

Try adding the fields here:

Admin > Section Editors > Your Section > ListPage Fields

They should match the fieldnames and probably look something like this:

subcategory, category

If you can't get it to work just change it back to what it was originally and let us know.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] order in category

Hi dave

Thank you so much again!

-Jax H.