Tabel Prefix

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 30, 2009   (RSS)

By Kenny - January 26, 2009

I know the table prefix is by default cms_ but I have changed it on a few installations. Now it is giving me an error when I upgrade:

MySQL Error: Table 'sagentic_cmsbuild.cms_accounts' doesn't exist

Because I have changed the table prefix, it should be looking for:


I have checked the settings.dat.php file and it still says

tablePrefix = "s_"

What to do?

Re: [sagentic] Tabel Prefix

By Dave - January 26, 2009

Hi sagentic,

Thanks for reporting that. Looks like that's a bug. We'll issue a new release with a fix for that shortly. Here's a workaround in the meantime.

- Open /lib/upgrade_functions.php
- Search for: cms_
- Replace with: {$TABLE_PREFIX}

Let me know if that fixes it for you.

Background: Since User Accounts is now a regular menu we have some upgrade code that converts any accounts that have "manager" access to "all sections" to have manage access to all sections _but_ accounts. Since we don't want upgrading to give user accounts menu access to someone unless you do it manually.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Tabel Prefix

By Kenny - January 29, 2009

What about changing the password for the original admin account? The original admin account doesn't show up under "User Accounts"


Re: [sagentic] Tabel Prefix

By Dave - January 30, 2009

Hi Kenny,

Check if you have old files from a previous version in cmsAdmin/lib/menus/accounts/*.*. If so, you can just erase the "accounts" folder as it's not needed anymore.

We're going to add a check for that in the code so you don't have to do it for future versions (as it's much easier to just upload without having to worry about removing files).

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer