How would I add to my Gallery and my Homepage JQuery Fader

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 3, 2009   (RSS)

Hello again CMSB followers!

Here is my site (not live yet but close!!)

I am looking to have my clients add images to the fader on the home page and then if you click "Wrap Gallery" I want them to be able to add photos each section or several at a time. ie: They can add a photo to "Cars" that may also show up in "Floral and Garden Centers" or vice versa.

I am not sure how to add this functionality into the editors in CMSB for those pages. Feel free to ask questions as I may not have explained it too well.


Hey Monkey! Design
graphic design • web development • blog
twitter: @heymonkeydesign

Re: [lterenzi] How would I add to my Gallery and my Homepage JQuery Fader

By Dave - January 30, 2009

Hi lterenzi,

Let's start with the rotating images on the front page. It looks like the code in the page for that is as follows:

<ul id="slider">
<li><img src="/images_top/slider_empty.png" alt="img"></li>
<li><img src="/images_top/slider_colortyme.png" alt="img"></li>
<li><img src="/images_top/slider_carroll.png" alt="img"></li>

So to add to those you'd have CMS Builder output a list of images in <li></li> tags. You could either have a section called "Frontpage images" or a section for "Images" that had checkboxes for "frontpage", "cars", etc and let the client check which sections they wanted the image to appear in. Then you would list images for a specific section by adding a where like this:

'where' => " cars_section = 1 ",

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] How would I add to my Gallery and my Homepage JQuery Fader

Hi Dave -

It does shine a light but I think I need it a little brighter :)

How do I get it to output the code I need. I hate to say I may need step-by step on how to do this but I might. If that falls under paid consulting just let me know!

Also for the Gallery you will see the string of code for the images has a few extras in there ths is what I need to be output for that section:

<li><a href="/pathtoLGimg/ImageName.jpg" rel="lightbox[ImageSetname]"><img src="/pathtoSMimg/ImageName.jpg" alt="img" width="150" height="110"><span class="enlarge"></span></a></li>

Thanks once again for the quick reply!


Hey Monkey! Design
graphic design • web development • blog
twitter: @heymonkeydesign

Re: [Dave] How would I add to my Gallery and my Homepage JQuery Fader

I am afraid that with my limited knowledge I may need to have you guys knock this out. There is more to it than this and I probably need to explain it better. I will head over to your consultation area. Also this needs to get done faster than I may be able to do even with your generous help on the forum.

Hey Monkey! Design
graphic design • web development • blog
twitter: @heymonkeydesign

Re: [lterenzi] How would I add to my Gallery and my Homepage JQuery Fader

By Dave - February 3, 2009

Ok, Ross should be able to help you out with that. You might want to email him the url to this thread as well to give him a head start.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer