Change of hosting provider

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 13, 2009   (RSS)

By savs79 - February 5, 2009

Please could someone take me through the steps involved in transferring CMS to a new hosting provider.

Many thanks

Re: [savs79] Change of hosting provider

By Dave - February 5, 2009

Hi savs79,

The first step is to upload all the files from the old host to the new host.

Then update the database details in cmsAdmin/data/settings.dat.php

Then update the "require_once" line at the top of all your viewer files to have the filepath for the new server (you can get this from the code generator).

Then export all your mysql data from your old host and re-import it to your new host and you should be done.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Change of hosting provider

By savs79 - February 6, 2009

Hi Dave

I'm a real novice at this sort of thing, so excuse my lack of understanding, but when you refer to 'upload all the files' do you mean the html pages etc? Also, where do I find the 'cmsAdmin/data/settings.dat.php'? Are you referring to changing the database settings in the general admin section when you log into CMS builder?


Re: [Dave] Change of hosting provider

By savs79 - February 13, 2009

Hi Dave

As I will no longer be the web administrator I cannot be in total control of the transfer. As the website only uses CMS for one page, it would be quite easy to set this up again from a new installtion. Therefore, is it possible for the new administrator to re-order another installation of the same CMS licence once the website has been transferred to the new hosting providers?

Thanks again Ben

Re: [savs79] Change of hosting provider

By Dave - February 13, 2009

Hi Ben,

Yes, that would be no problem.

Let us know if you need anything else.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer