Does CMS Builder handle this?

2 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 10, 2009   (RSS)


We have been developing pages in Dreamweaver CS4 and had planned to use Adobe's InContext Editing function for clients to manage their web page content, however, prior to going live with the client we noticed that InContect Editing didn't handle the following url:


Upon reading more into this InContext does not accept, the '?' character or '%20' or space and replaces them with code that breaks the url when the page is published.

We also tried this using CushyCMS and the same problem happened.

We have used CMS Builder on other client projects but not used these types of urls before with CMS Builder, therefore before we install CMSB to see if this handles things better we need to know if the same problem will happen when editing content in CMSB

Any help will be much appreciated.

Kind regards
