Images not displaying on testing server

2 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 20, 2009   (RSS)

By Mel - April 17, 2009

When I originally set up my dotcom site I done all the testing online and not on a testing server on my PC

Since then I have set up a testing server (WAMP) on my PC

Installed copy of CMS onto testing server

Downloaded all files from live site

Exported a copy of SQL files from live site and imported into testing site

So far so good all pages and info shows except images

On the testing server looked at the database and checked out file upload paths and edited one of the paths to reflect the path on the testing server but image still not showing

Ran repair table - still nothing

Any thoughts on this please?

Also it has just occured to me if I build a site offline that uses images does this also mean that I am going to have change all the image and thumb upload paths when I transfer it to the live server?

Will this mean amending each record one by one manually or is there an easier way to do this?

