Image Upload

10 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 16, 2009   (RSS)

By yallaf1 - May 30, 2009

I am new to CMS having worked with Article Manager until now. One thing article manager has is a very neat image uploading method whereby you upload a batch of images which each generate a ***image#*** tag. You can then caption, align, thumbnail it etc. Then you simply cut and paste this in the text area (***image#***) and this puts the image or thumbnail in the designated area.
Is this method available in CMS?
Please advise

Re: [yallaf1] Image Upload

By ross - June 1, 2009

Hi there.

Thanks for posting!

What CMS Builder does is lets you upload images and files right through the WYSIWYG editor. So instead of setting up an upload field that generates those placeholders, you can just click a button in the editor and it will let you get your images uploaded there. It's much much easier than the Article Manager option.

Let me know what you think. I can go over it in more detail if you like.
Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] Image Upload

By yallaf1 - June 1, 2009

Attached is my workarea
How do I get Article Photos into the content are. These should e thumbnails with captions underneath the thumbnails. The thumbnail should be linked to a bigger image in another window.

Where is WYSIWYG
Where is this clickable button to upload images?
In other words more detail would be cool


cms-builder.pdf 74K

Re: [yallaf1] Image Upload

By Dave - June 1, 2009

Hi yallaf1,

It works totally different from Article Manager. If you want to allow uploads within the content you need to switch the field from a textbox to a wysiwyg field that allows uploads. You can do this in: Admin > Section Editors > (then click on your section) > (then click on your textbox field or add a new field)

There will be a button on the wysiwyg that has a picture of a tree photo on it and clicking that will allow you to upload images to place in the wysiwyg. Captions don't automatically appear though, just the upload.

Another approach might be to use your existing uploads and have the run down in a column beside the content with captions below.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Image Upload

By yallaf1 - June 1, 2009

Hi Dave
I disagree that it is easiewr than AM2 - quite the opposite actually...

Re: [ross] Image Upload

By yallaf1 - June 4, 2009

Maybe you will be kind enough to walk me through it....

Re: [yallaf1] Image Upload

By ross - June 5, 2009

Hi there.

No problem. I'll walk you through inserting images with the WYSIWYG. I don't quite know what level of detail you would like so I'll just use as much as I can. It might seem a little over simplified, but it should be everything you need :).

The first and most important thing is going to be that you'll need to setup your content fields as WYSIWYG. That's done in the section editor.

Once you've done that, you'll start to see all the formatting buttons above the content fields now. In the second row there will be a framed picture of a tree. That's the image button. Click it and a popup window will appear.

In that window, the first field is going to be labeled "Image URL". Click the little button next to that and a bigger popup window will appear. This one is where you actually upload the image. Using the Browse button, pic an image off your computer and hit the upload button.

This will give you a preview of the image you just uploaded. If you want, you can upload a bunch more. Each one will have a preview in that section bellow.

Once you've uploaded the image, click either large or small for the one you want to insert and that will close the popup window. You can change any of the other settings in the window that's still there or just insert the image.

If you need to insert another image, just click that same image tool, the same button next to the URL and then select another image from the preview section.

How does that all sound? Let me know what you think so far and we'll move onto turning these images into links to the full size version.

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] Image Upload

By yallaf1 - June 15, 2009

Hi Ross
Have been doing as you said and it works fine. I also discovered you can upload more than one image - but alas only one at a time - and then place them in the content area where I want them.
1. Is there a way to upload several images at a time through Add or Upload Files which gives a drop down box for several images to be uploaded at a time. This would be useful because my articles often take more than one image and as many as ten at a time.
2. Also if you could advise on how to link these thumbnails to the bigger image via (first prize) a pop-up window or simply a new browser window.

Re: [yallaf1] Image Upload

By ross - June 16, 2009

Hi there.

Glad that's all working. I'll go over your questions one at a time :).

1. The editor isn't really setup to handle multiple uploads. We could probably customize something for you but there would definitely be some costs to that. You can email me through again if you wanted to explore that one further with me.

2. To make that image click through to a full size version, just click on it once it's actually in our content. Then, click on the link tool (second row of buttons, third from the left, looks like a chain link). That will pop up a similar window to when you uploaded the image. It will have the same little box next to the "Link URL" field. When you click that, you'll see your uploaded image again. Click the "Large" option and that will take you back to the link window. You'll have two options for how the link actually works: opens in the same window or opens in a new window.

That's about it. Have a look and let me know what you think :).
Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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