2 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 17, 2009   (RSS)

By rjbathgate - June 16, 2009


In a table "cms_contacts", I have a multiselect, 'developments' followed by a multiselect 'properties'.

"properties" pulls from a table cms_properties, and in that table each record has a 'development' specified.

In the Advanced List Options, I have this:
SELECT num, development FROM cms_properties WHERE development = '<?php echo $ESCAPED_FILTER_VALUE ?>'

with "refresh this list when field changes: Developments"

So, thereorectically, when Developments multiselect changes, Properties udpates, to show those where development (from cms_properties) == the DEVELOPMENT chosen in the DEVELOPMENT field.

But $ESCAPED_FILTER_VALUE doesn't seem to be doing this.

If I put in a fixed value for testing, i.e.:

SELECT num, development FROM cms_properties WHERE development = 'EXAMPLE'

It works fine - the PROPERTIES multiselect shows all properties where development = example.

In all of this I'm assuming $ESCAPED_FILTER_VALUE is the value from DEVELOPMENT when it's selected, but it doens't look like it is.

If I try to echo $ESCAPED_FILTER_VALUE on output page, it displays nothing, as if:

SELECT num, development FROM cms_properties WHERE development = 'SOMETHING DIFFERENT'

How do I make the WHERE = XXXXX variable be the development that has been chosen in the development field on the page?

Many thanks in advance,
Hope this makes sense

PS: Dave - this is what i've skyped u about