PHP display based on date range

4 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 23, 2009   (RSS)

By ncasares - June 22, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to display an image based on the 'updatedDate' of a record. I'd like to show the image if a record has been updated within the past 30 days. I'm sure this is simple, but I'm struggling with the function for comparing the 'updatedDate' to a day 30 days ago.

I don't want to limit the query based on date, just the display of a "new" image.

Can anyone help point me in the right direction?


Re: [ncasares] PHP display based on date range

By Damon - June 22, 2009

Thanks for sending the additional details via email and chatting on the phone.

I will put together a quote for you for this and the other requirements and get back to you shortly.
Damon Edis -

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Re: [ncasares] PHP display based on date range

By Dave - June 23, 2009

Hi ncasares,

I understand there's more to this project that Damon is quoting for you, but here's some code for the date part you asked about. It will set a variable with how many "days old" a record is based on it's date and then test that to display new for the first 30 days.

$secondsOld = time() - strtotime($record['date']);
$daysOld = intval($secondsOld/60/60/24);
Days old: <?php echo $daysOld ?><br/>

<?php if ($daysOld <= 30): ?> NEW! <?php endif ?>

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer