Upcoming Beta: New "Editor Advanced Search" feature

25 posts by 8 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 14, 2009   (RSS)

By isdoo - June 30, 2009

Thanks - no email yet, but will sit patiently :)

Re: [isdoo] Upcoming Beta: New "Editor Advanced Search" feature

By Dave - June 30, 2009

It was bcc'd, so check your spam folder. Or email me direct at dave@interactivetools.com and I'll reply so we can be sure it get's through. Thanks!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By isdoo - July 1, 2009

Has the logoff been shortened in this version.

I used to stay logged on, but now after say an hour I have to log back on - rather annoying.

By Djulia - July 1, 2009 - edited: July 1, 2009

Hi Dave,

No problem with the installation of this update (v1.30).

Thanks, Djulia

By isdoo - July 1, 2009

Would be much better if we could set it - 1 hour when you are working on a site is far too low.

Personally I would prefer it not to log me out unless I chose to.

Perhaps it could be set with a admin controllable cookie?

By Djulia - July 1, 2009

> Perhaps it could be set with a admin controllable cookie?
An interesting idea if that is realizable. +1


Re: [isdoo] Upcoming Beta: New "Editor Advanced Search" feature

By Dave - July 2, 2009

I've set it to 24 hours for now.

I had some ideas for ways to make some of the various internal settings such as that more editable, but we'll probably be releasing this Monday or early next week so I don't want to add any new features before then.

I've made a note of that request for future version, though. I know there is a few other hardcoded defaults people want to change. When we're ready we'll likely post and people can let us know all the hard coded things they want to change and we'll create something for that.

Thanks for all the feedback!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Djulia] Upcoming Beta: New "Editor Advanced Search" feature

By Theo - July 3, 2009

Re: [Theo] Upcoming Beta: New "Editor Advanced Search" feature

By isdoo - July 4, 2009

Did I miss the weekend? is it Monday already? ;)