HTML editing in HTML Source Editor

6 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 4, 2009   (RSS)

By aussierivers - August 1, 2009 - edited: August 1, 2009

Im a newbie, so be kind. Love the program, possibly doing things the wrong way but need this in a big hurry

Ive imported a bunch of working simple working HTML code from a new site ive built into my editor in a WYSIWIG field and then connect it all up. All good so it seems - WYSIWIG view looks fine.

I did this by just copying code into the HTML Source editor box, but when i hit Update, then Save, it seems to want to change my code.

e.g. if i have <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>

it turns this into

it removes the & code

also if i have a bunch of table rows, it seems to want to create separate table for each row, which whilst it doesnt appear to do too much damage, it seems like the addition of way too many lines.

im using tables a lot as im introducing CMS builder to a site built with tables and not enough time to do lots of clever divs and tableless design.

i dont think i can avoid the Source HTML edit, but even if i do and teh client presses the <> and then hits update, it wants to change my code

any ideas?

Re: [aussierivers] HTML editing in HTML Source Editor

By Dave - August 3, 2009

Another thing you can try is copying and pasting the table itself (not the html code) into the wysiwyg.

Also, the wysiwyg component we use is called tinymce and it's used on many web apps. You can try and recreate the issue on their demo to see if it's something related to our setup or configuration or it's a problem with their code.

Here's their demo:

If the problem doesn't occur on their demo we can upgrade our version to see if that helps.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] HTML editing in HTML Source Editor

Thanks Dave - ill give that a go. i suppose over time i will see what HTML code the tinymice system doesnt like

Re: [ross] HTML editing in HTML Source Editor

How is CMS builder with pages laid out without tables.. (tableless, css, div layers).. All our new sites are being built this way.

Just looking for a heads up on it but i know time will tell

Re: [aussierivers] HTML editing in HTML Source Editor

By ross - August 4, 2009


CMS Builder can work with a table or tabless template so you don't need to worry about that part. Just get the template setup first and then we can walk you through integrating everything.

Keep us up to date with how you are making out :).
Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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