Need a little help getting started

6 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 21, 2009   (RSS)

By lisadye - August 12, 2009

Hello. Boy I feel a little silly even asking this question but I'm having some trouble getting started with my first site. I was able to create all of my sections, create code and save the .php files. They work well after I uploaded them to my web hosting server. My problem is that I want the information to reside inside of my template and I'm just not sure how to go about that. I've read the instructions a few times and I must have an attention deficit disorder [cool] because I just can't seem to get it to work. Any chance I could pay someone at Interactive Tools to help me get started? I'm a really fast learner. I have multiple clients wanting me to do this for them and if I can just get this one working, I will be able to do the others. Excited but discouraged - please help [:)]

Re: [chris] Need a little help getting started

By lisadye - August 18, 2009

Hello Chris. I played with it a little and I can get each page to work inside of a template perfectly! except...... if I modify the template (I'm using Dreamweaver by the way) then it updates all my pages of course and then all of a sudden they don't work any more....any advice? Want me to send one to you to look at?

Re: [lisadye] Need a little help getting started

By Chris - August 18, 2009

Hi lisadye,

Can you elaborate on what you mean by "don't work anymore"? Do they show errors, show the wrong information, or show nothing at all?

Yes, please attach a not-working file to this thread so we can have a look.
All the best,

Re: [chris] Need a little help getting started

By lisadye - August 20, 2009

Hi Chris. I finally figured out what the problem is but not sure how to stop it from happening. I create a template in Dreamweaver and then build my pages based on that template. I go to each page and copy in the php code and it works fine.

But, if I edit the template in Dreamweaver, it updates all the pages and replaces the top portion of the php - (this below):

<?php header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); ?>

require_once "/home/content/p/c/w/pcwebadmin2009/html/cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php";

list($aboutRecords, $aboutMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName' => 'about',
'where' => whereRecordNumberInUrl(1),
'limit' => '1',
$aboutRecord = @$aboutRecords[0]; // get first record

// show error message if no matching record is found
if (!$aboutRecord) {
print "Record not found!";


Do you know how I can stop Dreamweaver from overwriting that piece of code each time? And, maybe this is a question for Dreamweaver and not you guys :) But, just hoping someone else has encountered this before and can give some advice.

By the way, LOVE your CMS Builder product. It took me about 4 hours to 'learn' the product. Not bad and WELL worth the money. I plan to purchase a CMS Builder license for every one of my clients that wants to manage their own site. Very cool!

Re: [lisadye] Need a little help getting started

By Donna - August 21, 2009


Unfortunately, I don't use Dreamweaver, so I can't say for sure... but I did some quick googling, and it looks like there's a "Never Rewrite Code" option that you can toggle that might help with that.

See this page for details:

I hope this helps. :)
