Social Media

5 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 1, 2009   (RSS)

Forum Community & Interactive Tools,

Your All Great. I have a website called Rent It Today. It is one central location where you can find anything and everything for rent plus you can post anything for rent. We use the CMS product and it Kicks A%* !

I want to challenge the system at another level by integrating Social Media Tools such as: Facebook, MySpace, YouTube etc. We currently have a user sign in location where the user can manage all there items for rent and there overall profile. We have implemented a section for all the social media items where they would place the necessary code for those social media outlets.

The goal is to be able to pass the social media codes from the User Profile section to each of there individual listings that are listed on the site. ( result pages or the detail pages would be great!) Has this ability will allow our customers the ability to market themselves with these media outlets plus help build our overall value / social media presents as well.

I was thinking this should be something simple but for some reason it is becoming difficult. ANy ideas or help would be awesome. if you have anything for rent and you use the Interactive tools products we will let the community list there items for free!!!!

Renting Has Never Been This Simple!


Jason Glass
Rent It Today
Jason Glass

Re: [rentittoday] Social Media

By Kenny - September 26, 2009

I'm not quite sure if this is what you are asking for but, look at and tell me if that is close.


Re: [Dave] Social Media

Hi Dave,

This is Lauren, now. :)
I tried the code in our details page but it did no work.
I also tried pulling the records,
list($accountsRecords, $accountsMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName' => 'accounts',

Neither worked.

In the page where the users can edit their account info, which we did custom, , I have created an if/then statement, that displays a social media logo in one column or another. For example, if the user has entered their social media details for say, Myspace it shows up in the "My Social Media" column and is linked to their page. If they had not entered it, the logo shows up in the Join? column and links to That works perfectly.

If we made users enter that info into every listing we could get it to work perfectly! However, when users have hundreds of listings we do not want to have them enter (or copy/paste) that info every time.

Also, in a perfect world we could use the accounts table to pull the users company info from the accounts table and put it on the details pages, instead of making them enter that into every listing in CMS as well.
Could be one of those multi-table or records issues?

Thanks again for any input!
Jason Glass

Re: [rentittoday] Social Media

By Dave - October 1, 2009

Hi Lauren,

I can't really say without seeing the code. If you are using the latest CMS Builder you can see all the fields available in a record or variable with this code though:

<?php showme( $record ); ?>

Just replace $record with the variable you want to examine. If the value you need is set in the record that will show it.

Otherwise, the next step would be some custom programming to look at exactly what's there now and what needs to be added.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer