Switch languages

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 8, 2009   (RSS)

I know how to create a multilingual site using CMS builder by creating a field for each language but how can the user switch to one of the other languages once on the site. Lets say the user is navigating through the site and lands on a product page but now wants to see that product in one of the other languages. Is there a way that the user can just simply switch languages on the fly no matter what page they are on? I hope that I'm clear.

Re: [Dan Maitland] Switch languages

By ross - December 8, 2009

Hi Dan

Thanks for posting!

Because there are several ways to setup CMS Builder for using multiple languages, we should go over how you have yours setup.

From experience, I find it works best if you only have one record for each item you create but it has several fields on it for all the different languages.

Could you let me know if this is how you have it set up too? If not, how do you have it setup?

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] Switch languages

Yes this is how I have it set up. ! post and fields for each language.