Announcing CMS Builder Appstore!

By Dave - September 28, 2009 - edited: October 1, 2009

Hello All,

We've just launched a public beta of a new appstore for CMS Builder.

The appstore lets you buy plugins to enhance CMS Builder. Currently all plugins are being offered under a royalty free license, meaning you purchase a plugin once and then you can use it on all your CMS Builder sites without having to buy additional licenses.

We're very excited about this and the possibilities it creates. We're starting with just 4 plugins, but we expect it to grow in the weeks and months to come.

Check it out here (public beta):

You can order online and then download the plugins instantly after purchase.

Please feel free to post your feedback and questions about the appstore, the shopping cart system, the design, etc. I'm really interested to hear your feedback. Post in the forum or email me at

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Announcing CMS Builder Appstore! (Public Beta)

just bought to check them :)

best regards.

Re: [Dave] Announcing CMS Builder Appstore!

By Djulia - October 3, 2009

Hi Dave,

We like much the approach of App Store. Thanks :)

Just a question. It is possible to modify information of account (email) ?
We did not indicate the email of the Paypal account (...)

Thank you again.

Re: [Djulia] Announcing CMS Builder Appstore!

By Dave - October 6, 2009

Hi Djulia,

You should be able to enter the paypal email you want each time. It doesn't store it. But if you need to change something just email me at and I can do it for you.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Announcing CMS Builder Appstore!

By Djulia - November 8, 2009

Hi Dave,

Is App Store a available plugin for cmsB ?

It would be interesting if Interactivetools could propose a basket purchase simple. Just with a recording by session or cookies. It would be also possible to use it aves other applications. For example, to record a list of favorites for a site of real estate independently of the table.

I tested solutions interesting and compatible with cmsB, but the authors are not as serious as your team. (...)

Thank you for the feedback. :)


Re: [Djulia] Announcing CMS Builder Appstore!

By Dave - November 9, 2009

Hi Djulia,

The App Store uses PayPal's cart (which is why it opens in a new window), but we could do a plugin for that.

Also we have a favorites plugin in development as well.

Usually what we do is test them out on a few custom programming projects first before we release them.

Let me know which ones you need and how soon. Also, if you want to discuss a specific project feel free to email me direct.

Hope that helps! :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [mark99] Announcing CMS Builder Appstore!

By Dave - February 26, 2010

Hi mark99,

I think it's pretty great, but it certainly does seem expensive compared to some of the full featured membership packages out there that sell for $49. It's really a different kind of product than that, though.

The Website Membership plugin doesn't really do anything on it's own. It's like CMSB where it's a framework for building all kinds of different membership systems.

So these are specialized development libraries and they are prices as such. We could probably work on our terminology. It was worse when we called it the "AppStore" instead of "Add-Ons" as a number of people felt things should be 1 or 2 dollars like the Apple App Store! :)

That said, I would never recommend you spend money on a plugin if it doesn't pay for itself quickly. And if you do give one a try you always have 90 days to ask for a refund (for any reason, it's just an email form).

And if you have any suggestions for the CMS, those are welcome as well. (Post in the CMSB Forum though).

Hope that helps! :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer