Subcategory galleries issues

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 13, 2010   (RSS)

By rui - September 11, 2010

hi everybody

Sorry the bad English.

This is my first time i will use CMS Builder and i´m sorry if anybody already ask this in the forum.

I have a client that whant a gallery with 2 levels. For example:

- Houses
--- House 1
----- House 1 (Main photo, description and lots of photos of "house 1")
--- House 2
--- House 3
- Buildings
- bridges
- x, y ,z ...

My main problem is the categories inside categories and the possibility to put a gallery inside a record like in this case the "house 1"

I´m 95% sure that CMS Builder is capable of doing that, but it´s very difficult? Do i have to do hardcore for this?

Tks everyone :)

Re: [rui] Subcategory galleries issues

By Chris - September 12, 2010

Hi rui,

There's probably a simple solution for you, but before I am able to suggest anything, I'm going to need to better understand what you're trying to accomplish.

I'm assuming that your top-level navigation items can be hardcoded into your menu, probably as separate Single Record sections. That leaves us with this:

- Houses
--- House 1
----- House 1 (Main photo, description and lots of photos of "house 1")
--- House 2
--- House 3
- Buildings
- bridges
- x, y ,z ...

I'm going to assume that each House has the same fields and general page layout, and each Building has the same, and Bridges, etc. If Houses are different enough from Buildings, etc, it probably makes sense to use separate Multi Record sections for your different project types (e.g. Houses, Buildings, Bridges.)

(Alternately, if the fields are all the same between all of them and you want them to display with the same templates, you could use a single Multi Record section with a List Field to select whether they're a House, Building, or Bridge.)

What throws me for a loop is this:

--- House 1
----- House 1 (Main photo, description and lots of photos of "house 1")

Why are there two "House 1"s? Do you want to break extra information about some/all of your House records out into separate pages (e.g. "More Images and Details" pages) and show links to these pages on your navigation menu?

Please describe exactly what the differences should be between your two "House 1"s and why they need to be separate and I'm sure I can come up with a solution for you. :)
All the best,

Re: [rui] Subcategory galleries issues

By Chris - September 13, 2010

Hi Rui,

I'm going to assume that Bridges, Houses, and Buildings will have different information associated with them. Therefore, you'll want to use three different Multi Record sections.

For galleries, you can simply use an Upload Field configured to allow only images to be uploaded.

You can safely start by working on your Houses section first. Once you have that set up, you can build your other sections and finally put it all together with a navigation menu.

Create a Multi Record section called "Houses" and add an Upload Field to it called "Gallery". Add a couple sample houses and then use the Code Generator to build yourself both a List and a Detail page. Enter the URL for your Detail page into the Section Editor, then go to your List page to see it in action.

When you've got that working, build your Bridges and Buildings sections.

Finally, find an example of how you want your gallery to work and post that here along with your List page source code. :)
All the best,