Multiple Text Entries on Homepage - ski report

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 11, 2011   (RSS)

I'm just setting up a ski site and I need to know the best way to approach having snow report and weather info setup so it displays on the homepage in multiple places but it also easy for the client to edit (in one place).

For example, they can go to one page, change the snow report field, the current temp, the current weather conditions text, which lifts are open, etc - Post that, and all the separate fields on the homepage will be updated.

I've attached a screenshot of the sidebar area I'm talking about on the homepage. Each header is a set png file "current temp" etc... then below each header I want the individual text info to come in.

Thanks! Tina

picture-5.png 293K

Re: [csdesign] Multiple Text Entries on Homepage - ski report

By gkornbluth - February 3, 2011 - edited: February 3, 2011

Hi Tina,

No matter which field or editor your data comes from, it will display in as many places in your viewer (web page) that "echo" that information.

So assume that you've got a field called "current_temp" in a single record editor called "conditions".

Each time you put:

<?php echo $conditionsRecord['current_temp'] ?> into the body of your viewer (web page), the value of that field will appear.

Of course you'll have to style that information to fit the locations.

You can use as many fields as you want to, and display them any way you want to.

I'd get the page working in HTML first.

Then I'd set up and populate the required fields in a section (possibly called conditions) with sample data.

Then I'd begin replacing the variable text (one or 2 at a time) with the database calls, upload the test page, look at it in your browser, and see where you need to "tweak" the result.

You can pull most of the code for a simple page directly from the code generator built into the admin section of your editor interface.

There's a lot more on how to understand the concepts behind PHP programming and databases, as well as some lessons which include down-loadable examples to get you started, in my CMSB Cookbook

Hope that helps to unravel the mystery.

Jerry Kornbluth
The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at:

Re: [gkornbluth] Multiple Text Entries on Homepage - ski report

I'll give it a shot. Thanks so much!!