Tracking clicks

4 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 21, 2011   (RSS)

Hello guys!

We are wanting to begin offering our customers something more; Analytics.

Our goal is to provide users with information regarding the following information from:
# of times a listing is viewed (per listing, overall)
#of clicks on phone number (per listing, overall)
#of clicks on "rental store" link (per listing, overall)--from results and details pages--
# of email forms sent (per listing, overall)

We want them to be able to:
view by listing (overall # of clicks, by date [day, week, month, year])
view by date (what listings and # of clicks)

We are already tracking leads that are sent through our email form by writing the form elements to a table in our database. We then display the info to the particular user in their profile area (in a fashion similar to an email inbox). We plan on displaying these new analytics in their profile system as well.

We are sort of stuck on this and are unsure of the best way to accomplish our goals. Any help or direction on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Jason Glass

Re: [rentittoday] Tracking clicks

By Chris - October 1, 2010

Hi rentittoday,

One option would be to use Google Analytics, but I'm not sure if it would be possible to pull their data into your profile areas.

Everything except your date requirements would be fairly easy to do with some custom programming. You could simply add a text field for each metric, then add some PHP code to your pages to UPDATE your listing record with an incremented value.

To keep track of clicks by date, there are several options, but all of them will involve creating additional tables. One option would be to add a new table with fields for 'date' and 'listing'. Depending on how much traffic you're getting, you may also need a cron job to summarize the data to additional tables.

I hope this helps!

If you're interested, our consulting department could work with you on this or build you a solution. Please let me know if that's something you're interested in.
All the best,

Re: [chris] Tracking clicks

Sorry it took so long to respond.

We use currently Google Analytics but want to be able to pull it into our system and display it for our customers.

The date requirements were also what I was concerned with.

We will discuss it here at the office and get back to you.

Thank you again for all our your help. Your services are priceless!
Jason Glass