
5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 6, 2011   (RSS)

By Toledoh - July 5, 2011

Hi Guys.

I'm trying to add the following code;

And this generates:

workshopsDetail.php?title=getting started, but I need it to show the hypens... workshopsDetail.php?title=getting-started

any ideas?

Tim (toledoh.com.au)

Re: [Toledoh] hyphen

By Dave - July 5, 2011

Hi Tim,

Are you sure you don't want it urlencoded? Such as:

workshopsDetail.php?title=<?php echo urlencode($group); ?>

<?php echo "workshopsDetail.php?title=" .urlencode($group); ?>

Let me know if that works, or if you really do want hyphens.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Toledoh] hyphen

By Toledoh - July 5, 2011

Got it!
$old_group = ''; // init blank var.
foreach ($eventsRecords as $record):
$groupnum = $record['workshop']; // load sub-group value from record.
$group = $record['workshop:label']; // load sub-group value from record.
if ($group != $old_group) { // If different from the last sub-group value, print the sub-group name.
echo "<a href='workshopsDetail.php?title=".urlencode($groupnum)."'><h2>$group</h2></a>";


Tim (toledoh.com.au)

Re: [Toledoh] hyphen

By Dave - July 6, 2011

Hey Tim,

I noticed the "if different from the last... print" code. Check out these two functions I use from time to time. You may find them helpful in future:

function sameAsLastValue($value) {
static $lastValue;
if ($value == $lastValue) { return true; }
$lastValue = $value;
return false;

function alreadySeen($value) {
static $seenList = array();

// check if alreadyu seen
if (@$seenList[$value]) { return true; }

// mark as seen
$seenList[$value] = true;
return false;

You use them like this:

$names = array('Dave', 'Dave', 'Tim', 'Dave');

// prints "Dave, Tim, Dave"
foreach ($names as $name) {
if (sameAsLastValue($name)) { continue; }
print "$name, ";

print "<hr/>";

// prints "Dave, Tim"
foreach ($names as $name) {
if (alreadySeen($name)) { continue; }
print "$name, ";

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer