Create a plugin to do same as 'hidden' field

Re: [rjbathgate] Create a plugin to do same as 'hidden' field

By robin - August 1, 2011

Hey Rob,

Plugins get into some really advanced stuff. It will be a lot easer and cleaner to add the 'where' => "display='1'" to your viewers.

If you are really interested in setting up a plugin though, you can check out the free plugins on the user submited page for examples and ideas.

Hope that helps,

Re: [rjbathgate] Create a plugin to do same as 'hidden' field

Hi Rob,

Any way you could use (or modify) one of the the Show/Hide plugins on the user submitted plugins page?

Jerry Kornbluth
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Re: [gkornbluth] Create a plugin to do same as 'hidden' field

Hey gkornbluth,

Yeah I was going to take a look at existing plugins and amend... but ran out of time and had to just go for the plain and simple route...

Next time thou :)
