Upload Feature Error

15 posts by 7 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 22, 2012   (RSS)

Re: [beckstar] Upload Feature Error

By Damon - November 22, 2011

Hi Ian,

I was able to successfully upload a swf file using a test installation of CMS Builder 2.12.

Can you try uploading a different swf file to test?

Send in a 2nd Level Support Request so I can take a look:

Reference this forum post URL in the ticket.

Damon Edis - interactivetools.com

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Re: [beckstar] Upload Feature Error

You need to separate the file extensions with COMMAS not DOTS. eg: jpg,swf,png
Ron Conring
Conring Automation Services
Software for Business and Industry Since 1987

Re: [rconring] Upload Feature Error

Thanks rconring, but I used commas, the JPEG may look like dots but they are commas.

Re: [beckstar] Upload Feature Error

Yes, they are dots in the jpeg ... are there any spaces? I almost went nuts trying to find the problem when that happened to me ... turns out I had a space in front of the extension.
Ron Conring
Conring Automation Services
Software for Business and Industry Since 1987

Re: [beckstar] Upload Feature Error

By Damon - November 23, 2011


If there are no spaces and you are using commas top separate the allowed files types, send in a support request and I would be happy to look into it.

Damon Edis - interactivetools.com

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Re: [Damon] Upload Feature Error

By Djulia - September 28, 2012 - edited: September 28, 2012


I have the same problem.

But, I also obtain an error : Undefined index: channels in upload_functions.php on line 201

Is there a solution?



Re: [Djulia] Upload Feature Error

By Jason - October 2, 2012

Hi Djulia,

What version of the CMS are you using? Can you let me know at what point the error appears?

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [Jason] Upload Feature Error

By Djulia - October 2, 2012

Hi Jason,

It is with version 2.17.

The problem occurs when a file .SWF is uploaded.

An idea?



Re: [Djulia] Upload Feature Error

By Jason - October 3, 2012

Hi Djulia,

Is it always the same swf file? Can other files be uploaded correctly?

If you could send in a [url http://www.interactivetools.com/support]2nd Level Support[/url] Request and let us know which section the error occurs in, we can take a look. If you could also provide the swf file you are trying to upload, that would help as well.

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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