Upload Folder problem

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 14, 2011   (RSS)

Re: [kkegans] Upload Folder problem

By Jason - December 13, 2011

Hi Kurt,

If you want to upload to the folder img/uploads, and the folder img is in the root of the website (one level up from CMS Builder), try this:

change Upload Directory to "../img/uploads/"
and then change Upload Folder URL to "/img/uploads/"

That should take care of the issue for you.

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [Jason] Upload Folder problem

Jason, When I set the fields in General settings as you state here and save the page the leading ' / ' in the Upload Folder field is stripped off as is the leading ' .. ' in the Directory field.
CMSB Rocks!

Re: [kkegans] Upload Folder problem

By Jason - December 14, 2011

Hi Kurt,

If you could fill out a [url http://www.interactivetools.com/support]2nd Level Support Request[/url] I can take a closer look into this issue for you.

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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