Membership Signup page

By pbsahost - January 4, 2012 - edited: January 4, 2012

I have been working on a membership plugin signup form. I setup a membership types section and I created a drop down list of the types on the form. After a few tests of the errors the membership types disappear from the drop down. I am struggling finding the reason as it doesn't appear to break every time at the same place. The test site is available:

I attached the signup file.

Thanks for any insight.

Re: [pbsahost] Membership Signup page

By Jason - January 4, 2012

Hi Jeremy,

If you enter in a value for "title" and hit submit, you'll see the membership type have no values. The reason for this is that the name "title" is also a field in your membership type section. This is triggering off the automatic search feature of getRecords(). Since there will be no membership type records with a title matching what the user entered, no values appear.

You can stop this from happening by adding the "allowSearch" => false, option to getRecords like this:

// load records
list($membership_typesRecords, $membership_typesMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName' => 'membership_types',
'where' => 'registration=1',
'allowSearch' => false,

That should take care of the problem for you.

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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