outgoing SMS

By Toledoh - January 22, 2012 - edited: January 22, 2012

Hi Guys,

It's been ages since I set this up, and it hasn't been used. However trying to use it now and an error occurs as attached... can you suggest where I should start looking?

Send Errors : No 'to' value specified in message!

Tim (toledoh.com.au)

sms_error.pdf 134K

Re: [Toledoh] outgoing SMS

By Jason - January 23, 2012

Hi Tim,

So this happens when you try to send a test message? Are you able to send a live message?

The first thing I noticed is that the "To" field was missing, replaced by just text. Was this a customization of the plugin or a customization by another plugin?

The To field requires number only values. Since nothing was being submitted by your form, this would explain the error.

You could try sending a live message like this:

list($errors, $response) = outgoingSMS_sendMessage($from, $to, $text);

Make sure the $to is numbers only (no hyphens).

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Re: [Jason] outgoing SMS

By Toledoh - January 23, 2012

Hi Jason,

This was purchased prior to the release as a plugin, so I'm not sure whther it's customised or not...

Where do I place that code?

Tim (toledoh.com.au)

Re: [Toledoh] outgoing SMS

By Dave - January 23, 2012


Maybe as a first step let's get you on the official version. Can you try and download it and/or send me an email so I can add it to your account? Then we can figure out if there are any differences.

Let me know if that works. Thanks!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] outgoing SMS

By Toledoh - January 25, 2012

Hey Dave,

The official version sends a test message just fine. But I think I've identified the custom part.

Previously I could search my users table, select a bunch of users and then send via the Advanced Commands drop down. Is this not part of the standard plugin?

Tim (toledoh.com.au)

Re: [Toledoh] outgoing SMS

By Dave - January 26, 2012

No, I think that's a custom bit. So everything works except that feature? Let me know how we can help.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] outgoing SMS

By Toledoh - January 26, 2012

Hi Dave,

I'll send the custom file through and maybe you can tell me if there's an obvious problem?

Tim (toledoh.com.au)

Re: [Toledoh] outgoing SMS

By Jason - January 30, 2012

Hi Tim,

You can change it so editors have access through the advanced commands drop down by uncommenting a line in the _outgoingSMS_addAdvancedOption function

function _outgoingSMS_addAdvancedOption($labelsToValues) {
global $schema;
if (@$schema['phone']) {

$allowedAccess = array_key_exists('hasEditorAccess', $GLOBALS);
#$allowedAccess = $GLOBALS['CURRENT_USER']['isAdmin'];

if ($allowedAccess) {
$labelsToValues['Send SMS (Search Results)'] = 'smsSearch';
return $labelsToValues;

hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Re: [Jason] outgoing SMS

By Toledoh - January 30, 2012

Thanks Jason,

My current code is actually a bit different... it shows;

addFilter('list_advancedCommands', '_outgoingSMS_addAdvancedOption', null, 1);
function _outgoingSMS_addAdvancedOption($labelsToValues) {
global $tableName;
if ($tableName == 'accounts') {
$labelsToValues['Send SMS (Search Results)'] = 'smsSearch';
return $labelsToValues;
addAction('section_unknownAction', '_outgoingSMS_displayForm', null, 2);
function _outgoingSMS_displayForm($tableName, $action) {
global $schema, $CURRENT_USER;
if ($action != 'smsSearch') { return; }

// error checking
//if (!@$CURRENT_USER) { die("CURRENT_USER not defined!"); }
//if (!array_key_exists('hasEditorAccess', $GLOBALS)) { die("hasEditorAccess not defined!"); }

$where = '1';
if (@$_REQUEST['to']) {
$where = "num IN (" . implode(',', array_map('intval', explode(',', $_REQUEST['to']))) . ")";


Tim (toledoh.com.au)