Gallery Issue

5 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 15, 2012   (RSS)

Re: [Perchpole] Gallery Issue

Hi Antar,

If I understand you correctly, there's a post that discusses that topic at:

There's also a detailed explanation of how to use this with Dynamic Drive’s Thumbnail Viewer II in my CMSB Cookbook


Jerry Kornbluth
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Re: [Perchpole] Gallery Issue

I may be missing something, but why not just have a single upload field, and limit the number of images to 6?

I use this quite often, and put the slides in a slideshow, and use "shuffle" to randomise the order of the images.

If you wanted to, don't limit the upload field, shuffle the records, then do one of those "$count = $count + 1" loops and "if $count = 6 then break"

Tim (

Re: [Toledoh] Gallery Issue

Hi, Tim (and Gerry)

Thanks for input. The problem is due to the way in which the user uploads images into their gallery. The one image-per-record is perfect (in terms of being able to pull the records out in any order, complete with pagination, etc.) but it's a slow way to build a big gallery full of images.

The alternative is to allow the user to upload mulitiple images per record. It's faster (because you can go and make a cup of tea whilst the system uploads your selected files) but you lose the ability to control the pagination.

Let's say we configure the getRecords code to return 3 records perPage...

If you employ the one-upload-per-record aproach the system will return 3 records. 3 records = 3 images. Nice and simple.

If you allow multiple uploads, however, the 1st record may have 3 images, the 2nd might have only one - the third may have 10. It's still 3 records - but now there are 14 images!

What I want to do is configure a way of returning the correct number of images per Page whilst maintaining some kind of pagination structure.



Re: [Perchpole] Gallery Issue

By Jason - February 15, 2012

Hi Perch,

Probably the simplest approach would be to have each gallery be a separate record in the gallery section. A gallery can have an images upload field that would have a variable number of images uploaded to it. If, on your gallery page you can retrieve a single gallery record, you can paginate your images by querying the uploads table directly.

To get records out of the uploads table, you need 3 things:
- the table name of the section the images were uploaded to
- the field name of the upload field in that section
- the record number of the record in the section the images were uploaded to.

In this example, we assume the field name is "images" and that you have already retrieved your gallery record in a variable called $gallery


list($galleryImages, $galleryMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName' => 'uploads',
'allowSearch' => false,
'loadCreatedBy' => false,
'where' => "tableName = 'gallery' AND fieldName = 'images' AND recordNum = '".intval($gallery['num'])."'",
'perPage' => 6,

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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