Removing text from display

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 21, 2012   (RSS)

There appears to be default text that displays with the content that I would like to remove.

I have circled the text areas in the attached image that I do not want to show or be part of the content displayed.

How can I remove the text I do not want to show?

Thanks... Wayne

removingtext.jpg 465K

Re: [MasterPoet] Removing text from display

By Damon - March 19, 2012

Hi Wayne,

I just replied to your email.

To remove any text that you don't want to have appear in your template,
open the template up in a code editor (Dreamweaver, Notepad++, etc) and
remove that code for that.

For the PHP code at the top of the page, it has to be at the very top, even
before the starting <html> tag.

If you want, you could send me your news template and I could make the edit
to demonstrate and send the updated template back to you.

Please let me know.
Damon Edis -

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Re: [Damon] Removing text from display

Hi [font "Verdana"]Damon,[/#000000]

[font "Verdana"]I used the template you created for me but again I got the text I didn't want. [unsure] There appears to be no change from before and now when using the template you created for me.[/#000000]

Can you look at it again?

Thank you... Wayne

Re: [Damon] Removing text from display

Thanks Damon, that's a great help.