Associated real estate agent image not displaying any more

2 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 4, 2012   (RSS)

By DanMaitland - June 2, 2012


I've had a real estate site running on CMS Builder for a couple of years now with absolutely no problems at all. But as of yesterday there are two agents who images won't display any more on their property page:

So I have a list of agents and when they create a property they can associate that property to an agent via check boxes. Now for some reason there are two agents who's photos dont display at all. they used to but ever since they changed their photos this kinda broke. All their info shows up just not their photos. I've tried to create a dummy agent as a test to see if its image would display but no dice. The info shows up but just not the photo. If I associate another existing agents profile to the property it displays fine. I haven't changed any code or anything in the past year so it's a bit mind boggling. here are some links to show you what is happening.

Working agent images:

Not working:

I really need help with this as I can't understand why it's not working. Thanks.